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Zbijenost zemljišta različitih teksturnih klasa u zasadima malina ariljskog malinogorja

dc.creatorGajić, Boško
dc.creatorMilivojević, Jordan
dc.creatorBošnjaković, Gorica
dc.creatorMatović, Gordana
dc.description.abstractThe principal aim of the present investigations was to establish the influence of threading by agricultural machines or people on the changes of penetration resistance (compaction) of the soils of various textural classes in Arilje raspberry growing area. The investigations included two most abundant soil types in the region, which differed significantly from the aspect of their textural composition: young non-carbonate sandy-loam alluvial soil (fluvisol) and silt-loam brown forest acid soil (dystric cambisol) on micashist. Measuring of penetration resistance in vertical direction, to the depth of 60 cm, between the rows of raspberry plants, at each 10 cm, was performed in the summer 2005 in two raspberry patches 10 years old. For the measurement of the penetration resistance a hand static penetrometer with cone of 30° and radius of 12.3 mm was applied. Repeated (10-20 times a year, according to the statement of the owner) passages of agricultural machines, frequently in very wet weather, as well as people passing (30-50 times a year) lead to a significant increase of penetration resistance (compaction) of the investigated soils in those areas, i.e. paths where machines and people moved. In these areas penetration resistance is 2 to 3 times higher than in surrounding untouched surfaces between the rows of raspberry plants. The values of penetration resistance (compaction) on the threaded paths vary between 1000 and 5000 kPa. The compaction increase made the penetration of raspberry roots into deeper soil layers very difficult.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovih istraživanja je bio utvrđivanje uticaja gaženja mehanizacijom i od strane ljudi, na izmene otpora penetracije (zbijenosti) zemljišta različitih teksturnih klasa u ariljskom malinogorju. Istraživanjima su obuhvaćena dva najzastupljenija tipa zemljišta u tom malinogorju koja se međusobno jako razlikuju po teksturi, i to: mlado beskarbonatno peskovito ilovasto aluvijalno zemljište (fluvisol) i praškasto ilovasto kiselo smeđe šumsko zemljište (distrični kambisol) na mikašistu. Merenje penetracionog otpora u vertikalnom pravcu, do 60 cm dubine, između redova malina na rastojanju od 10 cm obavljeno je u leto 2005. godine, i to u dva malinjaka starosti 10 godina. Za merenje penetracionog otpora korišćen je ručni statički penetrometar sa konusom od 30o i prečnikom 12.3 mm. Mnogobrojni (10-20 puta godišnje, po izjavi vlasnika malinjaka) prolazi poljoprivrednim mašinama često i po jako vlažnom zemljištu, kao i prolazi ljudi (30-50 godišnje) doveli su do znatnog povećanja otpora penetracije (zbijenosti) istraženih zemljišta na radnim stazama po kojima su se kretale mašine i ljudi. Na tim površinama penetracioni otpor je 2 do 4 puta veći nego na okolnim negaženim površinama između redova malina. Vrednosti otpora penetracije (zbijenosti) na radnim stazama variraju od 1000 do 5000 kPa. Povećanje zbijenosti jako je smanjilo prodiranje korena maline u dublje slojeve zemljišta, što je utvrđeno pri kopanju zemljišnih profila.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Beograd
dc.sourcePoljoprivredna tehnika
dc.subjectpenetration resistance (compaction)en
dc.subjectraspberry patchen
dc.subjectdystric cambisolen
dc.subjectpenetracioni otpor (zbijenost)sr
dc.subjectdistrični kambisolsr
dc.titleCompaction of the soils of various textural classes in raspberry plantations of raspberry growing region of Ariljeen
dc.titleZbijenost zemljišta različitih teksturnih klasa u zasadima malina ariljskog malinogorjasr
dc.citation.other30(2): 25-30



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