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Organski selen u ishrani pilića u tovu

dc.creatorJokić, Živan
dc.creatorJoksimović-Todorović, Mirjana
dc.creatorDavidović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this research was to investigate the effect of various levels of organic selenium (selenized yeast) on the weight gain and feed utilization of chicken in fattening. The experiment was carried out on 120 chicken of line hybrid Hybro-PN, divided into four groups (treatments), lasting six weeks. All groups of chicken were fed complete mixtures, while selenium was added to feed in the form of selenized yeast, in quantities of 0 (Group I); 0.3 (II) 0.6 (III), or 0.9mg/kg (IV). Chicken were measured, and care was taken to keep groups uniform (Groups: I - 36.17g; II - 37.01g; III - 37.16g, and IV 36.59g). During the experiment, every seven days, body weight of all animals was measured, as well as feed consumption for each experimental group. At the end of fattening, the highest body weight was established for chicken in Group III (2647.50g), followed by chicken in Groups II and IV (2595.89 and 2526.55g). Mentioned values were statistically significant (PO.01) by chicken and groups (2309.lg). Average daily feed consumption during the whole fattening period was highest in Group III, and lowest in Group I. For the last week of fattening it amounted to 196.38g (Group III), i.e. 179.41g (Group I). However, for chicken in Groups II and IV, these values were somewhat lower, as compared to chicken in Group III (190.50 and 185.15g). Food consumption per 1 kg gain was lowest in groups fed rations with added organic selenium (Group II - 1.65; III and IV - 1.67). Chicken in group I had the worst feed conversion (1.73).en
dc.description.abstractIspitivan je uticaj različitih nivoa organskog selena (selenizirani kvasac) na prirast, telesnu masu i iskorišćavanje hrane pilića u tovu. Ogled je izveden na 120 pilića provenijence Hybro-PN podeljenih u četiri grupe, u trajanju od šest nedelja. Sve grupe pilića hranjene su potpunim smešama, a selen je dodavan u hranu u formi seleniziranog kvasca u količini od 0 (I) 0,3 (II); 0,6 (III) ili 0,9mg/kg (IV-grupa). Najveću telesnu masu na kraju tova imali su pilići III grupe (2647,50g), a zatim pilići II i IV (2595,89 i 2526,55g). Navedene vrednosti su pokazale statističku značajnost (P lt 0,01) u odnosu na piliće I grupe (2309,lg). Prosečan dnevni utrošak hrane tokom celog perioda tova bio je najveći u III grupi, a najniži kod pilića I grupe. U poslednjoj nedelji tova iznosio je 196,38g (III grupa), odnosno 179,41g (I grupa). Međutim, kod pilića II i IV grupe ove vrednosti su bile nešto niže u odnosu na piliće III grupe (190,50 i 185,15g). Utrošak hrane za kg prirasta bio je najmanji u grupama koje su hranjene obrocima sa dodatkom organskog selena (II-1,65; III i IV-1,67). Pilići I grupe su ostvarili najlošiju konverziju hrane (1,73).sr
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectselenized yeasten
dc.subjectdaily gainen
dc.subjectbody weighten
dc.subjectfeed utilizationen
dc.subjectselenizirani kvasacsr
dc.subjecttelesna masasr
dc.subjectiskorišćavanje hranesr
dc.titleOrganic selenium in nutrition of chicken in fatteningen
dc.titleOrganski selen u ishrani pilića u tovusr
dc.citation.other21(1-2): 79-89

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