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Uticaj tipa i načina dodavanja zeolita na stepen efikasnosti filtra

dc.creatorRadojičić, Vesna
dc.creatorNikolić, Miroslava
dc.creatorAdnadjević, Borivoj
dc.description.abstractTobacco smoke is complex aerosol with more than 4800 compounds which are responsible for physiological as well as sensory properties of smoke. But some of these substances are considered as a harmless for the smoker's health and some of them are cancer promoters. Nicotine, TAR and CO is the ones indicated as a very dangerous. Nowadays cigarette design assumes reduction of these compounds in smoke. One of the possibility often use for reduction is filtration of tobacco smoke with various type of filters. Efficiency degree of aceto-celulosic filters with addition of specific filtration materials-zeolites has been investigated. The aim was determination of influence of type (crystal and amorphous) and way (longitudinal and segment) of zeolite application upon filter efficiency and sorption capacity. All types of zeolites were added in the quantity of 60mg per cigarette. Standard CORESTA and ISO methods determined composition of tobacco smoke. Filtration of tobacco smoke is more efficient if the zeolites are applied longitudinal. The best efficiency was by the filter made with the amorphe zeolites added longitudinal up to 93,10% regarding to the particular compound. With the samples where the zeolites were granulated with glue the additional increscent of filter efficiency - 62,32% has been detected, in correlation of the type of compound in smoke. Filters with the zeolite segment have shown the plug effect.en
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj tipa (kristalni i amorfni) i načina nanošenja zeolita (longitudinalno i segmentno), na stepen efikasnosti filtra. Zeoliti su nanošeni u količini od 60mg u filter cigareta. Elementi duvanskog dima određivani su po standardnim CORESTA i ISO metodama. Na osnovu rezultata eksperimenta mogu se izvesti sledeći zaključci:-Filtracija duvanskog dima efikasnija je kada se zeoliti nanose longitudinalno i do 93,10% u zavisnosti od elementa koji se odstranjuje. - Kod filtra kod koga su zeoliti naneti u vidu segmenta, dolazi do pojave efekta čepa.-Ukoliko se kod granulacije amorfnih zeolita koristi vezivo, efikasnost se dodatno povećava i do 62,32% u zavisnosti od tipa jedinjenja koje se odstranjuje.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu - Tehnološki fakultet, Leskovac
dc.sourceZbornik radova Tehnološkog fakulteta, Leskovac
dc.titleInfluence of type and mode of zeolite application on filter efficiency degreeen
dc.titleUticaj tipa i načina dodavanja zeolita na stepen efikasnosti filtrasr
dc.citation.other(14): 30-39



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