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Sirovo i termički obradeno zrno soje u smešama za brojlere

dc.creatorJokić, Živan
dc.creatorJovanović, Rade
dc.creatorTodorović, Mirjana
dc.creatorSinovec, Zlatan J.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of these investigations was to examine the influence of raw and thermally processed soybean kernels (ZP Lana and ZP Nena) on growth and feed utilization of broiler chicks. The experiment was conducted on 200 chickens (Arbor Acres) divided into four groups (treatments). The first group was fed a mix containing raw soybean kernels (ZP Lana) with a smaller quantity of trypsin inhibitors, and the third with raw kernels of a standard varietry (ZP Nena). The second and fourth groups were administered mixes containing raw kernels that were previously thermally processed. In the first period of the fattening process (days 1 -21), the amount of raw or thermally processed kernel was 20%, in the second period (days 22-35) 24%, and in the third period (days 36-42) 22 %. The experiment lasted 42 days. The chickens were maintained on the floor, feed was ad libitum, comprising complete mixes composed on the grounds of the recommendations for the given hybrid. The results obtained in the course of these investigations over the entire experimental period indicate that the use of thermally processed soybean kernels (groups two and four), in comparison with the use of raw kernels (groups one and three), significantly (P lt 0.01) affected growth and body mass of chickens. Furthermore, significantly bigger values (P lt 0.01) for the given parameters were determined also in chickens of group one in comparison with group three. Using thermally processed kernels (groups two and four) affected an increase in the daily consumption of feed not only in a certain period, but during the duration of the entire experiment(days 1-42). The listed treatments (groups two and four) in this period (days 1-42) also considerably increased feed conversion (1.83 and 1.85) in comparison with experimental groups one and three.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj sirovog i termički obrađenog zma soje (ZP Lana i ZP Nena) na prirast i iskorišćavanje hrane pilića u tovu. Ogled je izveden na 200 pilića (Arbor Acres) podeljenih u četiri grupe (tretmana). Pilići prve grupe hranjeni su smešom u kojuje uključeno sirovo zrno soje (ZP Lana), sa manjom količinom trip-sin inhibitora, a pilići treće grupe sirovim zrnom standardne sorte (ZP Nena). D ruga i četvrta grupa pilića dobijala je smeše u kojima je sirovo zrno navedenih sorti prethodno termički obrađeno. U prvom periodu tova (1-21. dana) količina sirovog, odnosno termički obrađenog zrna bila je 20 odsto, u drugom (22-35. dana) 24 odsto, a u trećem (36-42. dana) 22 odsto. Ogled je trajao 42 dana. Pilici su držani u uslovima podnog sistema, a ishrana je bila po volji, potpunim smešama sastavljenim na osnovu preporuka za navedeni hibrid. Rezultati ostvareni u ovim istraživanjima u toku celog oglednog perioda, ukazuju da je upotreba termički obrađenog zrna soje (grupe II i IV) u odnosu na sirovo zrno soje (grupe I i III), značajno (P lt 0,01) uticalo na prirast i telesnu masu pilića. Pored toga, znatno veće vrednosti (P lt 0,01) za navedeni parametar ustanovljene su i kod pilića I grupe u poređenju sa III grupom. Korišćenje termički obrađenog zrna (grupe II i IV) uticalo je na povećanje dnevne potrošnje hrane ne samo u pojedinim periodima, već tokom celog ogleda (1-42. dana). Navedeni tretmani (II i IV) u ovom periodu (1-42. dana) znatno su poboljšali i konverziju hrane (1,83 i 1,85) u odnosu na I i III ispitivanu
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski glasnik
dc.subjectsoybean kernelen
dc.subjectbody massen
dc.subjectfeed utilizationen
dc.subjectzrno sojesr
dc.subjecttelesna masasr
dc.subjectiskorišćavanje hranesr
dc.titleRaw and thermally processed soybean kernel in broiler mixesen
dc.titleSirovo i termički obradeno zrno soje u smešama za brojleresr
dc.citation.other58(5-6): 639-646

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