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Uticaj mikroklime na ishranu svinja

dc.creatorKovčin, Stanimir
dc.creatorŽivković, Branislav
dc.creatorBeuković, Miloš
dc.creatorJokić, Živan
dc.description.abstractThe effect of microclimate parameters on the production of pigs was analysed in this paper. It was proved that the strongest influence on the levels of the low critical and high critical temperature (LCT and HCT) have the body weight of pigs, condition, feed intake, air speed, thermal isolation of piggeries, type of floor, thermal waste, system of pig housing e.t.c. In sucking piglets and right after weaning, ambient temperature lower then LCT is the most frequent problem that leads to reduced weight gain, feed intake increase and possible indigestions and diarrhoea. In growing pigs temperature below LCT leads to the increase of feed intake, poorer feed conversion, while the influence on the daily weight gain was less expresed. In pregnant sows LCT ranged from 12-23 oC depending on the condition of the sow, the amount of feed, system of pig housing and the quality of housing. High temperature is a problem in lactating sovvs since it lessened the feed intake and amount of milk. It also increased wastages of nutrients from the organism which is of detriment to the future reproductive efficiency.en
dc.description.abstractU radu je analiziran efekat parametara mikroklime na proizvodnju svinja Najveći uticaj na visinu donje i gornje kritične temperature (DKT i GKT) ima telesna masa svinja, kondicija, visina konzumacije hrane, brzina kretanja vazduha, izolovanost objekta, tip poda, gubitak toplote zračenjem, sistem držanja i tako dalje. Kod prasadi na sisi i posle zalučenja temperatura ambijenta niža od DKT najčešće je problem koji uzrokuje smanjenje dnevnog prirasta, povećanje utroška hrane i pojavljivanje indigestija i proliva. Kod svinja u porastu i tovu temperatura niža od DKT uzrokuje povećanje potrošnje i pogoršanje konverzije hrane, dok je uticaj na dnevni prirast manji. Kod suprasnih krmača DKT varira u vrlo širokom intervalu od 12 do 23 oC u zavisnosti od kondicije krmače, količine hrane, sistema držanja i kvaliteta smeštaja. Visoka temperatura je problem kod krmača u laktaciji pošto uzrokuje smanjenje potrošnje hrane, količine mleka i povećanja gubitaka hranljivih materija iz organizma, što negativno deluje na kasniju reproduktivnu efikasnost.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski glasnik
dc.subjectlow critical temperatureen
dc.subjecthigh critical temperatureen
dc.subjectdonja kritična temperaturasr
dc.subjectgornja kritična temperaturasr
dc.titleEffect of microclimate on swine nutritionen
dc.titleUticaj mikroklime na ishranu svinjasr
dc.citation.other58(3-4): 445-454



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