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Neke osobine metode Hooghoudta za određivanje rastojanja između drenova na eugleju

dc.creatorDjurović, Nevenka
dc.creatorStričević, Ružica
dc.creatorPivić, Radmila
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this work is to present some pecularity of Hooghoudt's method applied in drain spacing determination in steady state water flow in eugley soil. The analysis was based on data obtained by measuring water discharge from drains and water table depth. Measurements was carried out on drainage field with drain spacing of 10 m. Based on the measurements performed in the drainage system with the drainpipe spacing 10 m the assessment of the distance between the drainpipes was performed by the application of the Hooghoudts relation. We used a pair of measurements (h, q) and on this basis the value of the spacing between the drainpipes was calculated and compared to the true value. The method has very good results for the soil type eugley. On the smaller spacings between the drainpipes, Hooghoudt's method generates the estimates very close to the experimental data with a low mean error of estimate. The analysis indicates that the error created in the estimate is random, which means that it is not the consequence of the systematic omission in the model or measurement.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je da prikaže neke osobenosti primene metode Kirkhama-a za određivanje rastojanja između drenova u stacionarnom režimu filtracije na zemljištu tipa euglej. Analiza je zasnovana na merenjima drenažnog isticanja i dubine podzemne vode na drenažnom sistemu sa međudrenskim rastojanjem 10 m. Na osnovu merenja koja su izvršena na drenažnom sistemu sa rastojanjem drenova od 10 m primenom relacije hooghoudta izvršena je praćena međudrenažnog rastojanja. Korišćeno je merenje (h, q) i na osnovu koga je proračunata vrednost međudrenažnog rastojanja i poređena sa pravom vrednošću. Na zemljištu tipa euglej metoda pokazuje veoma dobre rezultate. Na manjim međudrenskim rastojanjima metoda Hooghoudt-a generiše procene veoma bliske eksperimentalnim podacima sa malom srednjom greškom procene. Analiza ukazuje na to da je greška koja nastaje u praćeni slučajne prirode, što znači da nije posledica sistematskog previda u modelu ili
dc.publisherUnija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd
dc.sourceZemljište i biljka
dc.subjectdrainage systemen
dc.subjectdrain spacingen
dc.subjectsteadystate flowen
dc.subjectHooghoudt's methoden
dc.titleSome properties of Hooghoudt's method for drain spacing determination in eugley soilen
dc.titleNeke osobine metode Hooghoudta za određivanje rastojanja između drenova na euglejusr
dc.citation.other53(1): 37-44

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