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Varijabilnost važnijih osobina semena nevena u odnosu na genotip i klimatske uslove

dc.creatorJevdjović, Radosav
dc.creatorMaletić, Radojka
dc.description.abstractThe results of the two-year comparative research of qualitative and quantitative traits of marigold seed of different genotypes in regard to the standard cultivar were analyzed. The highest yield of seed in both study years was registered in genotype "King orange", and the lowest in genotype "R". Concerning the quality of seed, that is, germination energy and total germination, the best results were established for genotype "King orange" and the poorest for genotype "R" in both study years. The highest absolute mass was registered in domestic cultivar "Domestic orange". Climatic conditions had great influence on yield and quality of marigold seed. In the first study year, with 2.5 times higher water sediment during the vegetation period, seed yield in all genotypes was higher compared to the second study year. Also, absolute mass of seed of all genotypes was higher in the first study year. However, germination energy and total germination for all genotypes was better in the second year, when the sum of temperatures during the vegetation period was 3758°C compared to the first year when the sum of temperatures recorded was 3523°C.en
dc.description.abstractAnalizirani su rezultati dvogodišnjeg uporedog istraživanja kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih osobina semena više genotipova nevena u odnosu na standardnu sortu. Najveći prinos semena u obe eksperimentalne godine zabeležen je kod genotipa ²King orange² a najmanji kod genotipa ²R². U pogledu kvaliteta semena, odnosno energije klijanja i ukupnog klijanja, najbolje rezultate dao je genotip ²King orange² a najslabije genotip ²R² u obe godine istraživanja. Najveću apsolutnu masu imalo je seme standardne sorte ²Domaći oranž². Klimatski uslovi imali su velikog uticaja na prinos i kvalitet semena nevena. Tako je u prvoj godini istraživanja, kada je u vegetacionom periodu bilo 2,5 puta više vodenog taloga, prinos semena svih genotipova bio veći u odnosu na drugu godinu. Takođe, i apsolutna masa semena svih genotipova bila je veća u prvoj godini istraživanja. Međutim, energija klijanja i ukupno klijanje bili su kod svih genotipova bolji u drugoj godini istraživanja kada je suma temperatura u vegetacionom periodu bila 3758°C, u odnosu na prvu godinu istraživanja kada je ista suma iznosila 3523°C.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.subjectclimatic conditionsen
dc.subjectseed yielden
dc.subjectseed qualityen
dc.titleVariability of major traits of marigold seed in respect of genotype and climatic conditionsen
dc.titleVarijabilnost važnijih osobina semena nevena u odnosu na genotip i klimatske uslovesr
dc.citation.other49(1): 33-40



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