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Ispitivanje nekih funkcionalnih svojstava mesa tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) i šarana Cyprinus carpio Lin

dc.creatorŽivković, D.
dc.creatorPerić, V.
dc.creatorPerunović, Marija
dc.description.abstractWater binding ability (WBA), held water (HW) and gel-forming properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val) and carp (Cyprinus carpio Lin) meat were examined in this paper. Two variants of fish meat gels: A with 50% of meat and B with 60% of meat were examined at temperatures: 70 75, 80, 85 and 90°C. The variant A of silver carp meat gels has shown the maximum of WBA and HW at 80 oC, and the variant B at 75°C. In both variants of carp meat gels slow increase of WBA and HW with rise of temperature to 80°C was established. Silver carp meat gels have had better WBA than control gels (beef and poultry meat), and carp meat gels have better HW, but somewhat worse WBA than control gels. In gels of variant A of silver carp meat the highest module of elasticity (6.862 N/cm2) was found at thermal treatment at 85°C, but statistically significant differences in relation to other temperatures were not established. In variant B, with the rise of temperature, the module of elasticity increases; statistically significant differences were established among gels treated at 70 oC and others. Differences between variants A and B were statistically significant at all examined temperatures. Meat gels of silver carp have significantly lower module of elasticity compared to control gels. Under conditions of our experiment the module of elasticity of carp meat was below measuring limit.en
dc.description.abstractNekonvencionalni tehnološki procesi, u preradi ribe, postaju sve zastupljeniji zahvaljujući mogućnostima koje pružaju u pogledu asortimana i racionalnom (ekonomičnom) iskorišćenju sirovine, i baziraju se na usitnjenom ribljem mesu ili surimiju kao sirovini. Kvalitet finalnog proizvoda uslovljen je funkcionalnim karakteristikama sirovine, kao što su sposobnost vezivanja vode i sposobnost geliranja i/ili uslovima toplotnog procesa. U ovom radu ispitivane su sposobnost vezivanja vode (SVV) i zadržavanja vode (HW) i sposobnost geliranja mesa belog tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val) i šarana (Cyprinus carpio Lin). SVV, HW i sposobnost geliranja varijanti gelova sa 50 i 60% mesa (A i B) ispitivane su na temperaturama: 70, 75, 80, 85 i 90°C. Varijanta A gelova od mesa tolstolobika pokazuje maksimalnu SVV i HW na 80°C, a varijanta B na 75°C. Obe varijante gelova od mesa šarana pokazuju blago povećanje SVV i HW sa porastom temperature do 80oC. Gelovi od mesa tolstolobika pokazuju znatno bolju SVV od kontrolnih gelova (goveđe i pileće meso), a gelovi od mesa šarana bolju HW, ali nešto lošiju SVV od kontrolnih gelova. Kod varijante gelova A od mesa tolstolobika najveći modul elastičnosti 6.862 N/cm2 utvrđen je pri toplotnoj obradi na 85oC, međutim, nisu utvrđene i statistički značajne razlike u odnosu na ostale temperature. Kod varijante B, sa povećanjem temperature povećava se i modul elastičnosti, statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su između gelova tretiranih na 70°C, i ostalih. Razlike između varijanti A i B su statistički značajne na svim ispitivanim temperaturama. Gelovi od mesa tolstolobika imaju statisički značajno manji modul elastičnosti, u odnosu na kontrolne
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.subjectsilver carp meaten
dc.subjectcarp meaten
dc.subjectwater binding abilityen
dc.subjectheld wateren
dc.subjectgelling ability (module of elasticity)en
dc.titleExamination of some functional properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) and carp (Cyprinus carpio Lin.) meaten
dc.titleIspitivanje nekih funkcionalnih svojstava mesa tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) i šarana Cyprinus carpio Linsr
dc.citation.other49(2): 193-203

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