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Unapređenje metoda i tehnika integralne plasteničke proizvodnje paprike

dc.creatorMomirović, Nebojša
dc.creatorMoravčević, Djordje
dc.creatorPostić, Dobrivoj
dc.creatorDolijanović, Željko
dc.description.abstractModern vegetable production under protected cultivation have accomplished by multifunctional integration of several methods and techniques in order to get produce for fresh consumption with an added biological value. The usage of modern greenhouse covering films, shading nets and termoselective barriers, besides passive energy efficiency has afforded several benefits in more precise control of microclimate fluctuations. Photo-selective plastic films could change the character and spectral composition of solar radiation, which leads to less pests and disease infection and better crop performances, such us earliness, fruit size and uniformity and cumulative and total yield. By usage of beneficial microorganism, pheromone traps, predators and as well natural extracts it would be possibla to maintain biological balance for integrated protected cultivation of peppersen
dc.description.abstractSavremena povrtarska proizvodnja u zaštićenom prostoru ostvaruje se multifunkcionalnim integrisanjem više metoda i tehnika u cilju dobijanja proizvoda za svežu potrošnju sa visokom biološkom vrednošću. Korišćenje modernih polietilenskih folija, mreža za zasenu i energetskih barijera omogućilo je, osim pasivne energetske efikasnosti i niz prednosti u vrlo preciznoj kontroli promena u mikroklimatu. Fotoselektivne folije menjaju karakter i spektralni sastav sunčevog zračenja, što utiče na umanjenje infekcija bolestima i redukciju štetočina, ali rezultuje i adekvatnom reakcijom useva u pogledu ranostasnosti, veličine plodova, njihovoj uniformnosti i kumulativnom i ukupnom prinosu. Korišćenjem korisnih mikroorganizama, feromonskih klopki, predatora, kao i prirodnih ekstrakata može se uspešno održati biološka ravnoteža u integralnom sistemu gajenja paprike u
dc.source20. Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 13.- 14. 03. 2015.
dc.subjectintegrated productionen
dc.subjectprotected cropsen
dc.subjectintegralna proizvodnjasr
dc.titleImprovements of Methods and Techniques in Integrated Production of Peppers under Protected Cultivationen
dc.titleUnapređenje metoda i tehnika integralne plasteničke proizvodnje paprikesr

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