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Analiza distribucije sveže slatkovodne ribe u Srbiji

dc.creatorSmederevac-Lalić, Marija
dc.creatorRajković, Borislav
dc.creatorZarić, Vlade
dc.description.abstractPrevious studies of fish market were mainly related to the consumption and global tendencies, and less to distribution of freshwater fish, which in Serbia is mostly carried out via the retail trade. Therefore, this paper consider distribution channels from catching fish to consumers. Data were collected by interviewing local fishermen. The interview was directly conducted by researcher. The data were analyzed using statistical package SPSS. Based on the analysis, following conclusions have been made: For the majority of respondents fishing is their job, the only source of income, so they are professionally engaged in this activity, thus they already have their own distribution channels. It is shown that factor of distance has a significant effect in two aspects: the distance from place of residence to the place of anchoraging, and the distance from the place of anchorage to the place of fishing. The majority of fish caught is sold fresh or frozen. Cleaned fish is considerably less distributed between fishermen and dealers. Distribution of more processed fish, such as fillets, is rare between these marketing levels. It was also found that the demand for fish changes significantly during the year. But, trout has the leading position in the demand for freshwater fish in Belgrade, even despite the fact that it does not have a local character, as opposed to carp. According to results of interview given by fishmongers, the price of fish is the most important factor when selling fish.en
dc.description.abstractDosadašnja istraživanja marketinga ribe uglavnom su bila posvećena opštim informacijama koje se odnose na potrošnju i globalne tendencije, a manje na distribuciju sveže rečne ribe, koja se u Srbiji najčešće vrši preko trgovine na malo. Stoga je u ovom radu posvećena pažnja razmatranju kanala distribucije od ulova ribe do potrošača. Podaci za ovo istraživanje su prikupljeni anketiranjem lokalnih ribara. Intervju je lično vršio istraživač. Podaci su obrađeni u programskom paketu SPSS. Na osnovu analize došlo se do sledećih zaključaka: kod većine anketiranih osoba koje se bave ribolovom, ova delatnost predstavlja jedino zanimanje, tako da osobe koje se profesionalno bave ovom aktivnošću imaju već uređene sopstvene kanale distribucije. Pokazano je da u rečnom ribarstvu faktor udaljenosti ima značajan efekat kroz dva aspekta: udaljenost od mesta stanovanja do mesta ukotvljenja, i udaljenost od mesta ukotvljenja do mesta ribarenja. Najveći deo ulovljene ribe prodaje se u svežem i smrznutom stanju. Očišćena riba se znatno ređe distribuira između ribara i nakupaca. Distribucija ribe između ovih subjekata u obliku viših nivoa prerade, poput fileta, predstavlja retkost. Takođe je utvrđeno da se tražnja za ribom značajno menja u toku jedne godine, a da vodeće mesto u tražnji za slatkovodnom ribom ima pastrmka, čiji transport do tržišta Beograda nije lokalnog tipa, za razliku od šarana. Na osnovu intrevjua prodavaca ribe na malo, smatra se da je cena najvažniji faktor prilikom prodaje ribe.sr
dc.source7. International Conference “Water & Fish” Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia, June, 10
dc.titleAnalysis of the Distribution of Freshwater Fish in Serbiaen
dc.titleAnaliza distribucije sveže slatkovodne ribe u Srbijisr



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