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Morfološke i produktivne osobine golozrnog ječma u uslovima organske proizvodnje

dc.creatorRoljević-Nikolić, Svetlana
dc.creatorDolijanović, Željko
dc.creatorKovačević, Dušan
dc.creatorOljača, Snežana
dc.creatorŠeremešić, Srdjan
dc.description.abstractDue to its positive effects on human health, hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum) has increasingly been used as an alternative type of cereals in recent years. The main advantage of introducing hulless barley into various food products is a higher content of b-glucan than in other cereals and in particular common wheat. The aim of this paper was to examine morphological and productive characteristics, as well as the relationship and dependence between the studied characteristics of the hulless barley cultivar Goliat cultivated in an organic farming system. The mentioned characteristics were examined with regard to the weather conditions during three vegetation seasons (2009/2010-2011/2012) and with regard to fertilization. The impact of fertilization was monitored in the following treatments: T1 - application of biofertilizer in topdressing (5.0 l ha-1); T2fertilization using biohumus (3.0 t ha-1) and biofertilizer in topdressing (5.0 l ha-1); T0 - control - without the use of fertilizer and biofertilizer. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with four replications, on the soil type of leached chernozem. The results showed that the year had a very significant impact on all the examined characteristics. Fertilization did not have a significant impact on stem length and grain weight per spike. However, other observed characteristics showed significant changes depending on fertilization. The strongest correlation was found between harvest index and grain weight per spike (0.898**), as well as between spike length and number of fertile spikelets (0.877**). On the basis of the regression analysis equation, it was determined that with the unit increase in the number of fertile spikelets grain number per spike increased by 0.573.en
dc.description.abstractZbog blagotvornog uticaja na zdravlje ljudi, poslednjih godina raste interes za upotrebom golozrnog ječma (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum) kao alternativne vrste žita. Glavna prednost uključivanja golozrnog ječma u različite prehrambene proizvode proizilazi iz većeg sadržaja b-glukana u odnosu na običnu pšenicu, pa se takvi proizvodi često svrstavaju u funkcionalnu hranu. Cilj rada je proučavanje morfoloških i produktivnih osobina, kao i odnosa i zavisnosti između ispitivanih osobina ozime sorte golozrnog ječma (cv. Golijat) gajenog u organskom sistemu proizvodnje. Pomenute osobine su ispitivane u zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova tokom tri vegetacione sezone (2009/2010-2011/2012) i đubrenja. Uticaj đubrenja praćen je kroz sledeće tretmane: T1 - primena biofetilizatora u prihranjivanju (5,0 l ha-1); T2 đubrenje biohumusom (3,0 t ha-1) i biofertilizatorom u prihranjivanju (5,0 l ha-1); T0 - kontrola - bez primene đubriva i biofertilizatora. Ispitivanje je realizovano prema planu slučajnog blok sistema u četiri ponavljanja, na zemljištu tipa izluženi černozem. Rezultati su pokazali da godina, odnosno meteorološki činioci tokom vegetacione sezone ispoljavaju veoma značajan uticaj na sve ispitivane osobine. Đubrenje nije imalo značajan uticaj na dužinu stabla i masu zrna u klasu, dok su druge ispitivane osobine pokazale značajne promene u zavisnosti od delovanja ovog faktora. Značajnije efekte na proučavane osobine imala je kombinovana primena organskog đubriva i biofertilizatora u poređenju sa samostalnom primenom biofertilizatora. Najjača korelaciona povezanost ustanovljena je između žetvenog indeksa i mase zrna u klasu (0,898**), kao i između dužine klasa i broja plodnih klasića (0,877**). Na osnovu jednačine regresione analize utvrđeno je da jedinično povećanje broja plodnih klasića utiče na povećanje broja zrna u klasu za 0,
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46006/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31066/RS//
dc.sourceRatarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjecthulless barleyen
dc.subjectorganic agricultureen
dc.subjectgolozrni ječamsr
dc.subjectorganska poljoprivredasr
dc.titleMorphological and productive characteristics of hulless barley in organic farmingen
dc.titleMorfološke i produktivne osobine golozrnog ječma u uslovima organske proizvodnjesr
dc.citation.other57(1): 27-34

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