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Primena Ramanove spektroskopije u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja herbicida na sadržaj karotenoida u listovima Chenopodium album i Abutilon theophrasti

dc.creatorVranješ, Filip
dc.creatorPećinar, Ilinka
dc.creatorLević, Steva
dc.creatorVrbničanin, Sava
dc.creatorBožić, Dragana
dc.description.abstractRaman spectroscopy has so far proved to be a suitable method for the analysis of carotenoids in a wide range of plant samples. This study aimed to determine whether the influence of mesotrione on the changes in carotenoid content of leaves in treated weed species Chenopodium album and Abutilon theophrasti can be detected using Raman spectroscopy. When the plants reached the targeted growth stages (C. album: 4 leaves, A. theophrasti: 2 leaves), Skaut herbicide (a.i. mesotrione 480 g l-1, SC) was applied in the amount of 120 g a.i. ha-1 in the tank mix with the adjuvant Alteox wet 40 (a.i. mineral oil (500 g L-1) + polyoxy alcohol (500 g L-1)), in the amount of 1 L ha-1. Leaf analysis, using Raman spectroscopy, was performed four times: on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th day after the application of mesotrione. The intensity of the bands in the obtained Raman spectra, at positions 1007, 1155, and 1522 cm-1 in untreated and treated plants was analysed to determine the relative carotenoid content. The obtained results have shown that changes in the relative carotenoid content in the leaves of treated C. album plants can be detected as early as 3 days after the application of mesotrione, compared to the leaves of untreated plants of the same age. Meanwhile, a statistically significant difference for the same parameter in the leaves of treated A. theophrasti plants was evident at a later stage than in C. album, on the 7th day after the application of mesotrione. Consequently, this study has confirmed that Raman spectroscopy can be used as an adequate method for the rapid detection of the effect of herbicides on the content of carotenoids in the leaves of treated weed species.en
dc.description.abstractRamanova spektroskopija se do sada pokazala kao pogodna metoda za analizu karotenoida u širokom spektru biljnih uzoraka. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li se primenom Ramanove spektroskopije može detektovati uticaj mezotriona na promene sadržaja karotenoida u listovima tretiranih korovskih biljaka, Chenopodium album i Abutilon theophrasti. Kada su biljke dostigle odgovorajuću fenofazu (C. album: četiri lista, odnosno A. theophrasti: dva lista), primenjen je preparat Skaut (a.s. mezotrion 480 g L-1, SC) u količini od 120 g a.s. ha-1 uz dodat okvašivač Alteox wet 40 (a.s. mineralno ulje (500 g L-1) i polioksi alkohol (500 g L-1)) u količini 1 L ha-1. Analiza listova, primenom Ramanove spektroskopije, je urađena u četiri termina: prvog, drugog, trećeg i sedmog dana nakon primene (DNP) mezotriona. U dobijenim Ramanovim spektrima analiziran je intenzitet traka na pozicijama 1007, 1155 i 1522 cm-1 kod kontrolnih i tretiranih biljaka u cilju utvrđivanja relativnog sadržaja karotenoida. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se kod vrste C. album mogu utvrditi promene u relativnom sadržaju karotenoida u listovima tretiranih biljaka već trećeg DNP mezotriona u poređenju sa listovima kontrolnih biljka iste starosti, dok je kod vrste A. theophrasti utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u istom parametru nešto kasnije u poređenju sa C. album, sedmog DNP mezotriona. Ovim istraživanjem je potvrđeno da se Ramanova spektroskopija može koristiti kao adekvatna metoda za brzu detekciju delovanja herbicida na sadržaj karotenoida u listovima tretiranih korovskih vrsta.sr
dc.publisherHerbološko društvo Srbije
dc.sourceActa herbologica
dc.subjectRaman microscopyen
dc.subjectrelative carotenoid contenten
dc.subjectlamb's quartersen
dc.subjectRamanova mikroskopijasr
dc.subjectrelativni sadržaj karotenoidasr
dc.subjectTeofrastova lipicasr
dc.titleUse of Raman spectroscopy for determining the effects of herbicides on the carotenoid content in Chenopodium album and Abutilon theophrasti leavesen
dc.titlePrimena Ramanove spektroskopije u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja herbicida na sadržaj karotenoida u listovima Chenopodium album i Abutilon theophrastien
dc.citation.other29(1): 63-72



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