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Uticaj meteoroloških uslova na važnije kvantitativne i kvalitativne osobine heljde (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)

dc.creatorMaletić, Radojka
dc.creatorJevdjović, Radosav
dc.description.abstractThe results of two-year investigations of buckwheat raised in agroecological conditions of South Banat (Pančevo) and West Serbia (Gorobilje) are presented in the paper. Based on the obtained investigation data, we confirm the hypothesis that buckwheat is a plant suited to more humid regions, since we have determined higher yield of the plant on locations with higher precipitation amount. During 1999, the yield of buckwheat was higher at the location in Pančevo and the next year at the location in Gorobilje. Also, in the year 2000, values of average plant height, number of seeds per plant and seed mass per plant were higher at the location in Gorobilje, whereas in the year 1999 (first year of investigation), which from the aspect of climatic conditions could be considered as optimal, plant yield and all other investigated parameters were better in case of buckwheat originating from the location in Pančevo. In the year 2000, in regard to the seed proportionally medium fractions were more present, which is, among other things, the result of the influence of higher precipitation amount. In regard to the exploitation value of the seed, better germination was registered for seed produced in 2000 (at both locations), although it had lower mass compared to the seed produced in 1999. Blossoming (blooming) in the first study year at both locations started 5 to 7 days earlier compared to the second year of investigations and lasted 5 to 8 days longer. On the other hand, in the second year of investigations at both locations harvesting started 10 to 12 days earlier compared to the previous year.en
dc.description.abstractPrikazani su rezultati dvogodišnjeg ispitivanja heljde gajene u agroekološkim uslovima Južnog Banata (Pančevo) i Zapadne Srbije (Gorobilje). Na osnovu dobijenih podataka istraživanja potvrđuje se hipoteza da je heljda biljka humidnijih rejona, jer je prinos veći na lokalitetima koji su bili bogatiji padavinama, tako je 1999. godine prinos veći na lokalitetu u Pančevu, a naredne godine u Gorobilju. Isto tako, u 2000. godini prosečna visina biljaka, broj semena po biljci i masa semena po biljci bili su veći u Gorobilju dok su u 1999. godini (prvoj godini istraživanja), koja je sa klimatskog stanovišta bila optimalna prinos, i svi drugi ispitivani pokazatelji bili bolji u Pančevu. U 2000. godini bile su u semenu procentualno više zastupljene srednje frakcije što je između ostalog rezultat uticaja većih količina padavina. Kada je u pitanju upotrebna vrednost semena bolje je klijalo seme proizvedeno u 2000. godini (na oba lokaliteta) iako je imalo manju masu u odnosu na seme proizvedeno 1999. godine. Cvetanje je u prvoj godini istraživanja na oba lokaliteta počelo 5-7 dana ranije u odnosu na drugu godinu i trajalo je vremenski duže 5-8 dana. S druge strane, žetva je u drugoj godini na oba lokaliteta bila ranija u odnosu na prvu 10-12 dana.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.subjectseed fractionsen
dc.titleThe influence of meteorological conditions on major quantitative and qualitative traits of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)en
dc.titleUticaj meteoroloških uslova na važnije kvantitativne i kvalitativne osobine heljde (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)sr
dc.citation.other48(1): 11-19



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