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Mapiranje tretmana hemijske zaštite u proizvodnji ječma korišćenjem tehnika precizne poljoprivrede

dc.creatorPajić, Miloš
dc.creatorOparnica, Stanko
dc.creatorOljača, Mićo V.
dc.creatorGligorević, Kosta
dc.creatorDražić, Milan
dc.creatorZlatanović, Ivan
dc.creatorBošković, Biljana
dc.description.abstractChemical protection is an indispensable agro-technical step in all segments of conventional agricultural production. The significance of proper chemical protection is large for the quality and yield of cultivated culture, as is the financial costs that this measure has in the structure of total costs. The established technique of control, monitoring the quality of work and the efficiency of plant protection machines in crop production has numerous shortcomings. Different techniques of precision agriculture enable us to record and detect critical points in various production processes, so similar techniques can be applied in the control of chemical protection of barley. In this paper, a location database of actual flows of sprinklers that used chemical treatments in barley was used. On a plot of 52 ha, the deviation from the specified treatment rate by more than 10% was performed at 3.61 ha. It was found that the achieved norm of treatment when using the same aggregate, depends significantly on the operator itself, where the deviations in individual treatments and over 100%. Significant deviations in treatment standards have been identified that also significantly affect the cost of consumed chemicals, where the recommended standards have been exceeded in the chemical protection of barley production on over 454 ha, which increased the cost of used chemicals by 10.33%.en
dc.description.abstractHemijska zaštita je nezaobilazna agrotehnička mera u svim segmentima konvencionalne poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Značaj pravilnog izvođenja hemijske zaštite na kvalitet i prinos gajenih useva je veliki, isto kao i finansijski troškovi koja ova mera ima u strukturi ukupnih troškova. Ustaljena tehnika kontrole, praćenje kvaliteta rada i efikasnosti mašina za zaštitu bilja u ratarskoj proizvodnji ima brojne nedostatke. Različite tehnike precizne poljoprivrede NAM omogućavaju evidentiranje i detekciju kritičnih tačaka u različitim proizvodnim procesima, pa se slične tehnike mogu primeniti u kontroli hemijske zaštite ječma. U ovom radu je korišćena lokacijski notirana baza podataka ostvarenih protoka prskalica koje su radila hemijski tretmane u ječmu. Na parceli veličine 52 ha, odstupanje od zadate norme tretiranja, za više od 10%, je obavljeno na 3,61 ha. Utvrđeno je da ostvarena norma tretiranja, prilikom korišćenja istog agregata, u značajnoj meri zavisi od samog rukovaoca, gde su odstupanja u pojedinim tretmanima i preko 100%. Utvrđena su značajna odstupanja u normama tretiranja koja značajno utiču na cenu koštanja utrošenih hemijskih sredstava, gde su u hemijskoj zaštiti ječma na preko 454 ha prekoračene zadate norme, što je povećalo troškove upotrebljenih hemijskih sredstava za 10,
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31051/RS//
dc.sourcePoljoprivredna tehnika
dc.subjecttreatment normen
dc.subjecttechnical accuracyen
dc.subjectflow meteren
dc.subjecttreatment mapen
dc.subjectnorma tretiranjasr
dc.subjecttehnička ispravnostsr
dc.subjectmerač protokasr
dc.subjectmapa tretiranjasr
dc.titleMapping treatments of chemical protection in barley production by using the precision agriculture technologyen
dc.titleMapiranje tretmana hemijske zaštite u proizvodnji ječma korišćenjem tehnika precizne poljoprivredesr
dc.citation.other44(2): 47-55

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