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Udeo tkiva u svinjskom butu u zavisnosti od genotipa, pola i godišnjeg doba

dc.creatorRadović, Čedomir
dc.creatorGogić, Marija
dc.creatorKatanić, Nenad
dc.creatorNovaković, Mirko
dc.creatorRadojković, Dragan
dc.creatorTerzić, Nenad
dc.creatorSavić, Radomir
dc.description.abstractThe study included 201 offspring (108 castrated males and 93 females) of Landrace (L), Large White (LW) and Pietrain (P) sires. The studied animals were of following genotype: Landrace (L; n = 48); two breed crosses with 50:50 share of parental breeds (LWxL, n=32; and PxL, n=23), two breed crosses with 75% of paternal breed [Lx(♀LWxL), n=35] and [LWx(♀LxWL) n=38] and three breed crosses [Px(♀LWxL) n=25]. Animals included in this study were born during four seasons: winter (n=38), spring (n=65), summer (n=40) and autumn (n=58). Studies have shown that, at an average weight of warm carcass side of 81.20 kg, the highest average values for the weight of round (RW; 10.204 kg), the weight of intermuscular fatty tissue (RINT; 0.478 kg), bone tissue (RBT; 0.850 kg) and muscle tissue (RMT, 7.552 kg) in the round, were established in three-breed crosses of Px (LWxL) genotype compared to other genotypes. The least skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue (RST; 1.269 kg) was recorded in two breed crosses PxL. They had less skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue by 454 g and 467 grams, respectively, compared to two breed crosses (LWxL) and LWx (♀LxLW). Research has shown that there is a genotype on a farm that gives more muscle tissue in the round by 1.521 kg [Px (♀LWxL): LWx (♀LWxL)] with the same weight of warm carcass side, which is a very large difference. With the same average weight of warm carcass side, female animals had higher average weight of the round and yield of muscle tissue compared to male castrated animals. The effect of genotype (P lt 0.001) on all investigated traits was recorded, also the effect of the season of birth on the skin and subcutaneous fat tissue and on the weight of intermuscular fat in the round was recorded. The effect of sex/gender was significant (P lt 0.01) on the weight of skin and subcutaneous fat and on the weight of the muscle tissues in the round but no significant effect on other tested properties (P> 0.05) was observed.en
dc.description.abstractIstrativanje je obuhvatilo 201 potomka (108 kastriranih mužjaka i 93 ženke) očeva nerastova rase landras (L), jorkšir (LW) i pijetren (P). Ispitane životinje su bile sledećeg genotipa: landras (L; n = 48); dvorasni melezi sa 50:50 učešća roditeljskih rasa (LWxL, n=32; i PxL, n = 23), dvorasni melezi sa 75% roditeljske rase [Lx(♀LWxL), n=35] i [LWx(♀LxWL) n=38] i trorasni melezi [Px(♀LWxL) n=25]. Životinje uključene u ovo istraživanje rođene su tokom četiri godišnja doba: zima (n=38), proleće (n=65), leto (n=40) i jesen (n=58). Istraživanja su pokazala da su pri prosečnoj težini tople polutke od 81,20 kg, najveće prosečne vrednosti za masu buta (RW; 10,204 kg), masu međumišičnog masnog tkiva (RINT; 0,478 kg), koštanog tkiva (R T; 0,850 kg) i mišićnog tkiva (RMT, 7,552 kg) u butu, utvrđeni kod trostranih meleza Px(LWxL) genotipa u poređenju s drugim genotipima. Najmanje kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva (RST; 1,269 kg) zabeleženo je kod dvorasnih meleza PxL. Imali su manje kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva za 454 g, odnosno 467 grama, u poređenju sa dvorasnim melezima (LWxL) i LWx (♀LxLW). Istraživanja su pokazala da na farmi postoji genotip koji daje više mišićnog tkiva u butu za 1.521 kg [Px (♀LWxL): LWx (♀LWxL)] sa istom masom tople polutke, što je vrlo velika razlika. Sa istom prosečnom masom tople polutke, ženska grla su imala veću prosečnu masu buta i prinos mišićnog tkiva u poređenju sa kastriranim muškim životinjama. Zabeležen je uticaj genotipa (P lt 0,001) na sve ispitivane osobine, takođe, zabeležen je uticaj sezone rođenja na kožu i potkožno masno tkivo i na masu intermuskularne masti buta. Uticaj pola je bio značajan (P lt 0,01) na masu kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva i na masu mišićnog tkiva buta, ali nije primećen značajan uticaj na druga ispitivana svojstva (P>0,05).sr
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31081/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectfatty tissueen
dc.subjectbone tissueen
dc.subjectmuscle tissue of the rounden
dc.subjectmasno tkivosr
dc.subjectkoštano tkivosr
dc.subjectmišićno tkivo butasr
dc.titleThe share of tissues in the pig round depending on the genotype, gender and seasonen
dc.titleUdeo tkiva u svinjskom butu u zavisnosti od genotipa, pola i godišnjeg dobasr
dc.citation.other35(4): 367-375



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