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Eriofidne grinje kao agensi klasične biološke kontrole korova

dc.creatorVidović, Biljana
dc.description.abstractEriophyoids are tiny plant-feeding mites belonging to the families of Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae and Diptilomiopidae. Eriophyoid mites are obligatory phytohages that infest all plant parts, except the roots. Most of them are quite host specific. About 80% of currently known recorded species of eriophyoid mites are associated with a single species of host plant. Classical biological control involves the introduction of control agents into a region, that does not form part of their natural area of distribution, to provide control of invasive weed species. In order to avoid direct damage to non target species, biological control agents must be highly host specific. Classical biological control of weeds depends on finding agents that are highly host-specific. Eriophyoid mites (EM) have long been thought to have high potential as biological control agents of classical biological control of weeds, and many review papers have emphasized their prospects. The use of phylogenies based on the statistical analysis of large numbers of characters, whether molecular genetic or morphological, can help traditional taxonomy and subsequently biological control. Correct systematic identification is a first step to finding prospective agents on the appropriate genotypes of the weed that are targeted for biological control.en
dc.description.abstractEriofide su sitne grinje koje se hrane biljkama i pripadaju familijama Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae i Diptilomiopidae. Ove grinje su obligatni paraziti biljaka koji infestiraju sve delove biljke, osim korena. Većina njih je veoma specifična za domaćina. Oko 80% trenutno poznatih vrsta eriofidnih grinja povezano je sa jednom vrstom biljke domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola podrazumeva unošenje agenasa biološke kontrole u region koji nije deo njihovog prirodnog područja rasprostranjenja, radi obezbeđivanja suzbijanja invazivnog korova. Da bi se izbeglo direktno oštećenje neciljanih vrsta, sredstva za biološku kontrolu moraju biti visoko specifična za domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola korova zavisi od pronalaska agenasa koji su veoma specifični za domaćina. Za eriofioidne grinje se smatralo da imaju veliki potencijal kao agensi za klasično biološko suzbijanje korova, a mnogi pregledni radovi naglašavaju njihove mogućnosti. Primena filogenije zasnovana na statističkoj analizi velikog broja parametara, bilo molekularno genetičkih ili morfoloških, može pomoći tradicionalnoj taksonomiji i potom biološkoj kontroli. Ispravna sistematska identifikacija je prvi korak ka pronalaženju agenasa za biološku kontrolu na odgovarajućim genotipovima
dc.publisherHerbološko društvo Srbije
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43001/RS//
dc.sourceActa herbologica
dc.subjecteriophyoid mitesen
dc.subjectclassical biocontrolen
dc.subjecteriofioidne grinjesr
dc.subjectklasična biološka kontrolasr
dc.titleEriophyid mites as classical biocontrol agents of weedsen
dc.titleEriofidne grinje kao agensi klasične biološke kontrole korovasr
dc.citation.other28(2): 91-102

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