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Atraktivnost mirisa infestirane i neinfestirane pšenice u zrnu i prekrupe za skladišne tvrdokrilce

dc.creatorDjukić, Nikola
dc.creatorRadonjić, Andja
dc.creatorAndrić, Goran
dc.creatorKljajić, Petar
dc.creatorPražić-Golić, Marijana
dc.description.abstractUsing a two-way olfactometer, the effects of the whole wheat grains and coarse wheat meal odors on the primary Sitophilus granarius (L.), S. oryzae (L.) and S. zeamais (Motch.) and secondary Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and T. confusum (Du Val) stored-product pests behavior were examined. Whole wheat grains and coarse wheat meal were used in uninfested and infested form. Whole wheat grains were infested with S. oryzae adults and coarse wheat meal with T. castaneum adults. The odors of infested wheat grains depending on the insect species were 1.9 to 3 times more attractive than the uninfested wheat grains odors, except for the T. castaneum for whome the odors of infested and uninfested grains were equally attractive (p = 0.641). The greatest difference in the attractiveness of the infested and uninfested wheat grains odors was found for T. confusum (3 times longer in the arm with the odors of infested grain), and the smallest for S. granarius (1.9 times). We found that all primary and secondary stored-product pests, depending on the species, were 1.4 - 2.4 times more attracted to the odors of infested compared to the odors of uninfested wheat meal. The greatest difference in the atraction of infested and uninfested coarse wheat meal odors was recorded for the T. confusum, whose adults were 2.4 times longer in the arm with the odors of infested coarse wheat meal than in the arm with odors of uninfested wheat meal, while the smallest difference (1.4 times) was recorded for S. oryzae. The results of this study give a significant contribution to a better understanding of the storage insects behavior, which could be used in the design of new methods of monitoring of their presence in stored products.en
dc.description.abstractPomoću dvokrakog olfaktometra ispitivan je uticaj mirisa pšenice u zrnu i pšenične prekrupe na ponašanje primarnih štetočina Sitophilus granarius (L.), Sitophilus oryzae (L.) i Sitophilus zeamais (Motch) i sekundarnih štetočina Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) i Tribolium confusum (Du Val). Pšenica u zrnu i pšenična prekrupa korišćeni su u neinfestiranom i infestiranom obliku, s tim da su zrna pšenice bila infestirana adultima S.oryzae a prekrupa adultima T. castaneum. Miris infestirane pšenice u zrnu je bio u zavisnosti od insekatske vrste od 1,9 do 3,0 puta atraktivniji od mirisa neinfestirane pšenice, osim za adulte T. castaneum za koje je bio podjednako privlačan (p=0,641). Najveća razlika u atraktivnosti mirisa infestirane i neinfestirane pšenice je zabeležena kod T. confusum (3 puta više vremena u kraku sa mirisom infestiranog zrna), a najmanja kod S. granarius (1,9 puta). Sve primarne i sekundarne štetočine su u zavisnosti od vrste bile od 1,4 - 2,4 puta više privučene mirisom infestirane, nego mirisom neinfestirane pšenične prekrupe. Najveća razlika u atraktivnosti mirisa infestirane i neinfestirane prekrupe, utvrđena je kod T. confusum, čiji su adulti proveli 2,4 puta više vremena u kraku sa mirisom infestirane prekrupe nego u kraku sa mirisom neinfestirane, a najmanja razlika (1,4 puta) zabeležena je kod S.oryzae. Rezultati ovih istraživanja daju značajan doprinos boljem poznavanju ponašanja skladišnih insekata, što bi moglo da se upotrebi u osmišljavanju novog načina praćenja njihovog prisustva u uskladištenim
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije, Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46012/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46008/RS//
dc.sourceFood and Feed Research
dc.subjectTribolium sp.en
dc.subjectSitophilus sp.en
dc.subjectpest behaviouren
dc.subjectfood odoursen
dc.subjectponašanje štetočinasr
dc.titleAttractiveness of infested and uninfested whole wheat grain and coarse wheat meal odors to coleopteran storage insect pestsen
dc.titleAtraktivnost mirisa infestirane i neinfestirane pšenice u zrnu i prekrupe za skladišne tvrdokrilcesr
dc.citation.other45(2): 113-118



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