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Farmaceutski preparati i opojne droge kao kontaminirajuće supstance površinskih i otpadnih voda

dc.creatorRajković, Miloš
dc.creatorLučić, Milica
dc.description.abstractThe presence of pharmaceuticals and narcotic drugs in waste, surface and groundwater presents a serious problem for human health. The reason for this is the fact that these compounds possess biological activity, they have easy mobility, some of them have the ability to bioaccumulation and many are heavily biodegradable. So far, researches have shown that the main source for pharmaceutical preparations in water are municipal waste water with origin from households, hospitals and industry. The main drugs which appear in waters are: analgesics and anti-inflammatory compounds, antibiotics, β-blockers, hormones, lipid regulators, cytostatics, contrast remedy, drugs and disinfection remedies. The composition of products for personal hygiene and cosmetics includes compounds that possess the ability of bioaccumulation, where many of them show estrogen and endocrine effects. Examination of waste waters in Western Balkan cities indicate that drugs are mostly consumed in Zagreb, Belgrade and Novi Sad (cocaine, amphetamine and MDMA). A trend of increasing drug usage on weekends was observed on average of 10-20%. Main processes that determine future usage of drugs in water environments are biotransformation, sorption, chemical transformation, phototransformation and evaporation.en
dc.description.abstractPrisustvo farmaceutskih preparata i opojnih droga u otpadnim, površinskim i podzemnim vodama predstavlja ozbiljan problem po zdravlje ljudi. Razlog za to je činjenica da ova jedinjenja poseduju biološku aktivnost, lako su mobilna, neka od njih imaju sposobnost bioakumulacije, a mnoga su i teško biorazgradiva. Dosadašnja istraživanja ukazuju da su glavni izvor farmaceutskih preparata u vodi, komunalne otpadne vode poreklom iz domaćinstava, bolnica i industrije. Farmaceutski preparati koji se javljaju u vodama su: analgetici i antiinflamantorna jedinjenja, antibiotici, β blokatori, hormoni, regulatori lipida, citostatici, kontrastna sredstva, opojne droge, denzifekciona sredstva. U sastav proizvoda za ličnu higijenu i kozmetiku ulaze jedinjenja koja poseduju sposobnost bioakumulacije, a mnoga pokazuju estrogene i endokrine efekte. Ispitivanja otpadnih voda u gradovima Zapadnog Balkana ukazuju da se opojne droge najviše konzumiraju u Zagrebu, Beogradu i Novom Sadu (kokain, amfetamin i MDMA). Zapažen je trend pojačanog korišćenja opojnih droga vikendom u proseku 10-20%. Glavni procesi koji određuju njihovu sudbinu u vodenim sredinama su biotransformacija, sorpcija, hemijska transformacija, fototransformacija i isparavanje.sr
dc.publisherInženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43009/RS//
dc.sourceZaštita materijala
dc.subjectdrinking wateren
dc.subjectpharmaceutical preparationsen
dc.subjectillicit drugsen
dc.subjectvoda za pićesr
dc.subjectfarmaceutski preparatisr
dc.subjectopojne drogesr
dc.subjectotpadne vodesr
dc.titlePharmaceutical preparations and illicit drugs as contaminating substances of surface and wastewateren
dc.titleFarmaceutski preparati i opojne droge kao kontaminirajuće supstance površinskih i otpadnih vodasr
dc.citation.other59(3): 367-384



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