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Komercijalno poljoprivredno gazdinstvo za potrebe FADN istraživanja u Srbiji

dc.creatorJanković-Šoja, Svjetlana
dc.description.abstractAs an official candidate for the accession to the EU, Serbia has to fulfill a number of commitments related to the reform both in its society and economy, including its agriculture. One of the commitments is the introduction of the FADN survey so the state would have access to agricultural resources and options at any time. For the purposes of the FADN survey, a population of agricultural holdings should be formed so that it covers approximately 90% of the total utilized agricultural area, 90% of the total livestock units and 90% of the value of agricultural production of the country. In addition, according to the methodology of the FADN survey, the population of agricultural holdings consists only of commercial agricultural holdings. In this paper the author has defined the economic size thresholds of agricultural holdings in Serbia, which will be used to determine whether an agricultural holding can be considered as commercial or not, taking into account the standards of the FADN concept.en
dc.description.abstractS obzirom na kandidaturu za ulazak u EU, Srbija mora da ispuni veliki broj obaveza koje se odnose na reforme kako u društvu tako i u privredi, pa i u poljoprivredi. Jedna od obaveza je i uvođenje FADN istraživanja da bi u svakom momentu država imala uvid u poljoprivredne resurse i mogućnosti. Za potrebe FADN istraživanja treba da se formira populacija poljoprivrednih gazdinstava koja će da pokriva oko 90% ukupne korišćene poljoprivredne površine, 90% ukupnih uslovnih grla stoke kao i oko 90% vrednosti poljoprivredne proizvodnje zemlje. Takođe, prema metodologiji FADN istraživanja populaciju poljoprivrednih gazdinstava čine samo komercijalna poljoprivredna gazdinstva. U ovom radu autor je definisao granicu minimalne ekonomske veličine poljoprivrednog gazdinstva u Srbiji koja će poslužiti u određivanju da li se neko poljoprivredno gazdinstvo može smatrati komercijalnim ili ne imajući u vidu standarde FADN koncepta.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za ekonomiku poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela, Novi Sad
dc.subjectFADN survey in Serbiaen
dc.subjectcommercial agricultural holdingen
dc.subjecteconomic size of agricultural holdingen
dc.subjectFADN field of observationen
dc.subjectFADN istraživanje u Srbijisr
dc.subjectkomercijalno poljoprivredno gazdinstvosr
dc.subjectekonomska veličina poljoprivrednog gazdinstvasr
dc.subjectFADN polje observacijasr
dc.titleCommercial agricultural holding for purposes of the FADN survey in Serbiaen
dc.titleKomercijalno poljoprivredno gazdinstvo za potrebe FADN istraživanja u Srbijisr
dc.citation.other46(74): 63-71



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