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Definisanje homogenih užih područja Republike Srbije

dc.creatorMaletić, Radojka
dc.creatorBucalo-Jelić, Dana
dc.description.abstractThe area of the Republic of Serbia is extremely heterogeneous due to very different climatic and geo-morphological, as well as societal-economic-social-agricultural factors. Therefore, in the Republic of Serbia, great regional differences have been recorded, and solving their problems as well as problems of their reduction and the possibility of their financing are the issues that are especially actualized with the opening of EU accession negotiations. The aim of this paper is to use available indicators from Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia from the 2012 Census, which accompany some of the societal, economic, social and agricultural properties of municipalities of the Republic of Serbia, and to perform grouping of the same. For this purpose, cluster analysis was used. The chosen clusters represent homogeneous wholes and the municipalities belonging to them have similar characteristics. In that way, eight characteristic and different groups / clusters stand out. It turned out that the cluster method has an important place in the analytical and methodological definition of homogeneous wholes of territories, so it can serve as a very significant instrument in the regional development policy.en
dc.description.abstractPodručje Republike Srbije je izuzetno heterogeno ka-ko zbog vrlo različitih klimatskih i geo-morfoloških, tako i društvenih-ekonomsko-socijalnih-poljoprivrednih faktora. Zato u R. Srbiji beležimo velike regionalne razlike, a rešavanje njihovih problema, kao i problema smanjivanja istih, te i mogućnost njihovih finansiranja su pitanja koja su posebno aktuelizovana sa početkom pregovora za pridruživanje Evropskoj uniji. Cilj rada je da se na dostupnim indikatorima (ukupno 33) RZS na osnovu Popisa iz 2012g, koja prate neke od društvenih, ekonomskih, socijalnih i poljoprivrednih svojstava opština R. Srbije, izvrši grupisanje istih. U tu svrhu korišćena je klaster analiza. Izdvojeni klasteri predstavljaju homogene celine, te opštine koje im pripadaju imaju slične osobine. Tako se izdvaja šest karakterističnih i različitih grupa/ klastera. Pokazalo se da klaster metod ima značajno mesto u analitičkom i metodološkom definisanju homogenih celina teriotirija, te može poslužiti kao vrlo značajan instrument u politici regionalnog razvoja.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za ekonomiku poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela, Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179028/RS//
dc.subjectClustering of Municipalitiesen
dc.subjectRepublic of Serbiaen
dc.subjectCluster Analysisen
dc.subjectgrupisanje opštinasr
dc.subjectklaster analizasr
dc.titleDefinition of homogeneous and narrower areas of the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.titleDefinisanje homogenih užih područja Republike Srbijesr
dc.citation.other45(69): 13-23



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