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Mogućnost prevencije bolesti prouzrokovanih oksidativnim stresom fenolnim jedinjenjima vina

dc.creatorJović, Slobodan
dc.creatorZirojević, Tripo
dc.creatorPetrović, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractToday when man, because of his negligence towards the nature, has made "life become dangerous for living" it is no wonder a fact that in purpose to find a cure for many diseases or in purpose to prevent the same people are more and more turning to nature and natural substances. Wine takes important place in chain of natural substances with protective effects on human health, so today that effect has special name "French paradox". This name dates from 1991 when Sefre Renaud, on an experts meeting, had argumentative speech about protective effects of wine on human health. Nowadays when it is well known that many illnesses are in some extent related to oxidative stress (atherosklerosis, malignant illnesses, infections, aging, diabetes), wine has got a special significance because some of its ingredients have antioxidatve effects (proantocyanidols, quercetin, resveratrol, derivates of hydroxybenzoic and derivates of tyrosine). It means that wine has protective effects on most of illnesses caused by oxidative stress. However, the fact that the concentration of curative matters is the highest in blood vessels, and the fact that some of wine ingredients have a vasoactive effect support the fact that curative effects of wine is the most explicit in prevention of blood vessels diseases.en
dc.description.abstractNajčešći uzroci smrtnosti savremenog čoveka su bolesti koje se javljaju kao posledica oksidativnog stresa. Deo nezbrinutih slobodnih radikala (superoksid, hidroksil), kao i singlet kiseonik koji nastaju tokom metabolizma u ljudskom organizmu, odgovorni su za štetno oksidativno dejstvo na lipoproteinske membrane, višestruko nezasićene masne kiseline, enzime, DNK, esencijalne aminokiseline itd. usled čega nastaju kardiovaskularna oboljenja, zapaljivi procesi, dijabetes, kancer, alchajmerova bolest, infarkt miokarda. Fenolna jedinjenja vina, u prvom redu flavonoidi (proantocijanidoli, kvercetin i resveratrol), ali i hidroksibenzoeve kiseline, hidroksicimetne kiseline, derivati tirozina trans-resveratrol delujući kao antioksidanti u stanju su da preduprede štetno delovanje slobodnih radikala. Osim toga poznato je da su ova jedinjenja u stanju da stvaraju vodonične veze kao i helatne komplekse sa metalima.sr
dc.publisherSavez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
dc.subjectoksidativni stressr
dc.subjectfenolna jedinjenjasr
dc.subjectantioksidativno dejstvosr
dc.titlePossibility prevention of illnesses caused by oxidative stress by phenolic compounds of wineen
dc.titleMogućnost prevencije bolesti prouzrokovanih oksidativnim stresom fenolnim jedinjenjima vinasr
dc.citation.other51(390-393): 245-253



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