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Uticaj zeolita na rast nekih medicinskih i industrijskih gljiva

dc.creatorNikšić, Miomir
dc.creatorKlaus, Anita
dc.creatorVunduk, Jovana
dc.creatorSavić, Milena
dc.description.abstractWe studied the influence of natural zeolite Minazel (Z) on the dynamics of growth of mycelium and fruiting bodies of several important edible and medicinal mushrooms. Phenotypic and biological efficacy as well as the content of selenium in carpophores Grifola frondosa mushrooms. In order to more fully assessed the effect of supplementation was done and comparative testing with the addition of some mineral raw materials: apatite and bentonite, for which there are states that can induce an increase in the yield of different crops. It was found that the addition of natural zeolite from Serbia has a positive effect on all monitored parameters, and that the most effective concentration of 1%. Achieved effects can be attributed to the properties of zeolites and ion exchange capacity, sorption, buffering operation. Actual results indicate that the zeolites are very suitable as supplements in industrial production conditions mushrooms. Their use allows for faster growth and change of the functional properties of the obtained mushrooms.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivan je uticaj prirodnog zeolita Minazel (Z) na dinamiku rasta micelijuma i plodonosnih tela nekoliko važnih jestivih i medicinskih gljiva. Praćena je i biološka efikasnost kao i sadržaj selena u karpoforima gljive Grifola frondosa. Da bi se potpunije ocenio efekat suplementacije, rađeno je i uporedno ispitivanje uz dodatak nekih mineralnih sirovina: apatita i bentonita, za koj postoje navodi da mogu usloviti povećanje prinosa pojedinih poljoprivrednih kultura. Utvrđeno je da dodatak prirodnog zeolita sa područja Srbije ima pozitivno delovanje na sve praćene parametre, a da je najefikasnija koncentracija 1%. Postignuti efekti mogu se pripisati osobinama zeolita: jonoizmenjivačka sposobnost, sorpcija, pufersko delovanje. Ostvareni rezultati ukazuju na to da su zeoliti veoma pogodni kao suplementi u industrijskim uslovima proizvodnje gljiva. Njihova primena omogućava brži rast i izmenu funkcionalnih osobina dobijenih pečuraka.sr
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.titleEffect of zeolite on growth of some medical industrial and mushroomsen
dc.titleUticaj zeolita na rast nekih medicinskih i industrijskih gljivasr
dc.citation.other21(1-2): 185-192



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