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Stanje ovčarske proizvodnje u Srbiji

dc.creatorPopović, Nikola
dc.creatorSredojević, Zorica
dc.creatorDjordjević, Teodora
dc.description.abstractConsidering the economic importance of the branches of livestock production in Serbia, sheep breeding is in the fourth place, behind cattle, pig and poultry breeding. The aim of this research is to analyze the movement tendencies in the number of head of sheep in the world, Europe, and the number and representation of the regions and farms in Serbia. The aim is to analyze economic characteristics and consider possibilities for improvement of sheep production in our country. Of the total number of farms in Serbia (631,552), sheep are bred on 154,972, which accounts for 24.54%. Considering the number of sheep, farms which rear 3-9 head are the most common. Of the total number of sheep in Serbia (1,736,440 heads), 58.21% of head are grown on farms which cover from 2-5 and 5-10 hectares of utilized agricultural land. Sheep production is mostly concentrated in Šumadija and Western Serbia. In these regions 1,047,328 head or 60.31% of the total number of sheep in Serbia are reared. On farms over 50 hectares, 8.5 head of sheep are reared on average. Only 33 family farms have over 500 head of sheep, which makes for 3.06% of the total number of sheep in Serbia.en
dc.description.abstractS obzirom na ekonomski značaj grana stočarske proizvodnje u Srbiji, ovčarstvo se nalazi na četvrtom mestu, tj. iza govedarstva, svinjarstva i živinarstva. Predmet ovog istraživanja je analiza tendencije kretanja broja grla ovaca u svetu, Evropi, kao i broj i zastupljenost po regionima i gazdinstvima u Srbiji. Cilj rada je da se analizom ekonomskih obeležja sagledaju mogućnosti unapređenja ovčarske proizvodnje u našoj zemlji. Od ukupnog broja poljoprivrednih gazdinstava u Srbiji (631.552), ovce se uzgajaju na 154.972, što čini 24,54%. Prema broju ovaca, dominatno mesto zauzimaju gazdinstva na kojima se gaji 3-9 grla. Od ukupnog broja ovaca u Srbiji (1.736.440 grla), oko 58,21% grla se gaji na gazdinstvima površine od 2-5 i od 5-10 hektara korišćenog poljoprivrednog zemljišta. Ovčarska proizvodnja je u najvećem obimu skoncentrisana u Regionu Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije. U ovom regionu se gaji 1.047.328 grla ili 60,31% od ukupnog broja ovaca u Srbiji. Na gazdinstvima preko 50 hektara prosečno se gaji 8,5 grla ovaca. Na svega 33 gazdinstva nalaze se farme sa preko 500 grla, što čini 3,06% od ukupnog broja ovaca u
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za ekonomiku poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela, Novi Sad
dc.subjectsheep breedingen
dc.subjectfamily farmsen
dc.subjecteconomic characteristicsen
dc.subjectuzgoj ovacasr
dc.subjectekonomska obeležjasr
dc.titlePosition of sheep production in Serbiaen
dc.titleStanje ovčarske proizvodnje u Srbijisr
dc.citation.other44(68): 103-113

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