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Determinante siromaštva i nezaposlenosti u ruralnim područjima Srbije

dc.creatorJelić, Sreten
dc.creatorJovanović, Tatjana
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the determinants of poverty and unemployment in rural areas of Serbia. The work includes a number of indicators that can present status and trends of two tendencies analyzed phenomenon, poverty and unemployment. Attention is primarily paid to rural areas, which have for many years been disregarded and stood in the shade of cities and urbanization, which are increasingly gaining importance in the context of integrated rural and sustainable development.All countries in the world, whether developed or not developed, fighting against poverty. Today, poverty is considered a multi-dimensional phenomenon that in addition to insufficient income to meet basic needs, means lack of employment opportunities, disabled access to health, education... Dividing the territory of the Republic of Serbia to the regions at the NUTS-2 level, have been established the conditions in the regions of Vojvodina, Belgrade, Šumadija and Western Serbia and the Southern and Eastern Serbia region and the disparities between them. There are significant differences in the development of the region. Residents of rural areas are facing with the phenomenon of poverty.This phenomenom is especially pronounced in the region of Southern and Eastern Serbia. Inevitability is to influence the balanced regional development and rural to, and thus to reduce poverty and unemployment, which will affect the improvement of the living standards of the population, the development of rural areas, the economy and society.en
dc.description.abstractU radu se ukazuje na determinante siromaštva i nezaposlenost u ruralnim područjima Srbije.Rad obuhvata veliki broj indikatora kojima se mogu predstaviti stanja i tendencije kretanja dve analizirane pojave, siromaštva i nezaposlenosti. Pažnja se,pre svega posvećuje ruralnim oblastima,kojasu višegodina bivala zanemarena i nalazila se u senci gradova i urbanizacije, a koja danas sve više dobijaju na značaju u okviru integralnog ruralnog i održivog razvoja. Sve zemlje u svetu, razvijene i nerazvijene, vode borbu protiv siromaštva. Danas, siromaštvo se smatra višedimenzional- nom pojavom koja pored nedovoljnih prihoda za zadovoljenje osnovnih životnih potreba, podrazumeva i nemogućnost zapošljavanja, onemogućen pristup uslugama zdravstva,obrazovanja... Podelom teritorije Republike Srbije na regione na nivou NUTS2, utvrđena su stanja u regionima Vojvodine, Beogradskom regionu, regionu Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije i regionu Južne i Istočne Srbije i dispariteti koji postoje među njima.Postoje značajne razlike u razvoju regiona. Sa fenomenom siromaštva se suočavaju stanovnici ruralnih područja, a posebno je izraženo u regionu Južne i Istočne Srbije. Neminovnost je da se utiče na ravnomerniji regionalni razvoj pa i ruralni u Srbiji a samim tim i na smanjenje siromaštva i nezaposlenosti što će uticati i na poboljšanje životnog standarda stanovništva, razvoj ruralnih područja, privrede i društva.sr
dc.publisherSociološko društvo Republike Srpske, Pale
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179028/RS//
dc.sourceSociološki godišnjak
dc.subjectrural areasen
dc.subjectrural developmenten
dc.subjectstandard of livingen
dc.subjectruralna područjasr
dc.subjectruralni razvojsr
dc.subjectživotni standardsr
dc.titleDeterminants of poverty and unemployment in rural areas of Serbiaen
dc.titleDeterminante siromaštva i nezaposlenosti u ruralnim područjima Srbijesr
dc.citation.other(10): 159-174



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