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Fizička, hemijska, senzorna i funkcionalna svojstva fermentisanih kobasica sa dodatkom biljnih ulja

dc.contributor.advisorŽivković, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherTomović, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherLilić, Slobodan
dc.contributor.otherAntić, Mališa
dc.contributor.otherTomašević, Igor
dc.creatorStajić, Slaviša
dc.description.abstractFunctional food was developed in the 1980s out of the need to reduce the intake of certain food components that were determined to have an adverse effect on health (salt, sugars, saturated fatty acids (SFA)...) and to increase the intake of components that can facilitate prevention and treatment of certain illnesses (antioxidants, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), minerals, vitamins...). Fermented sausages are meat products with a long tradition which, in addition to good nutritional qualities, are also highly valued for their specific sensory characteristics. Due to the high content of fat (40–50%) rich in SFA, fermented sausages might pose a risk to consumers’ health. However, the sensory quality and stability of fermented sausages depend on the amount of fatty tissue and its fatty acid content, therefore substitution of a portion of fatty tissue with oils rich in PUFA poses quite a challenge since it requires the creation of a product with improved functional properties and the same or imperceptibly altered sensory qualities. The object of this experiment was to determine the adequate manner and proportion in which pork backfat in the mixture for fermented sausages can be substituted by plant oils. In the first part of the experiment, 20% of backfat (5% of backfat in the mixture, with the initial proportion of meat/backfat = 75/25, CON) was replaced by grapeseed and flaxseed oil, added as a liquid, alginate gel, emulsion with soy protein isolate (SPI) and encapsulated as microspheres. We observed the impact of such substitution on the physical-chemical and sensory characteristics at the end of the production process and after 30 days of storage in vacuum, at refrigerator temperature (6±1°С). In terms of the main chemical composition, the impact was most pronounced in the variant with liquid flaxseed oil, due to lower weight loss during production. Changes in the pH value were similar in all variants and within the defined parameters for fermented sausages. As regards the parameters for instrumental internal colour, the impact of flaxseed oil was more pronounced – all variants with flaxseed oil were lighter and yellower than CON. With both oils, the effect of the replacement of a portion of backfat with oil prepared as alginate gel and emulsion with SPI on parameters for instrumental surface colour was lower than in sausages with oils prepared in the other two manners...en
dc.description.abstractFunkcionalna hrana nastala je i razvila se osamdesetih godina prošlog veka kao potreba da se smanji unos sastojaka hrane za koje je utvrđeno da povećanom upotrebom mogu negativno uticati na zdravlje (kuhinjska so, šećeri, zasićene masne kiseline [SFA]...) i poveća unos sastojaka za koje je utvrđeno da mogu pozitivno uticati u prevenciji i lečenju pojedinih bolesti (antioksidansi, n-3 polinezasićene masne kiseline [n-3 PUFA], minerali, vitamini...). Fermentisane kobasice su proizvodi od mesa s dugom tradicijom proizvodnje i pored nutritivne vrednosti veoma su cenjene zbog specifičnih senzornih karakteristika. Zbog visokog sadržaja masti (40–50%) bogatih SFA fermentisane kobasice mogu predstavljati potencijalni rizik po zdravlje potrošača. Međutim, senzorni kvalitet i stabilnost fermentisanih kobasica zavise od količine masnog tkiva i njegovog masnokiselinskog sastava, te zbog toga zamena dela masnog tkiva uljima bogatim PUFA predstavlja izazov, jer je potrebno napraviti proizvod boljih nutritivnih svojstava sa istim ili neznatno promenjenim senzornim svojstvima. Cilj ovog ogleda je da utvrdi na koji način i u kom udelu je moguće zameniti čvrsto masno tkivo (ČMT) u nadevu fermentisanih kobasica biljnim uljima. U prvom delu istraživanja 20% ČMT-a (5% ČMT-a u nadevu početnog sastava meso/ČMT = 75/25, KON) zamenjeno je uljem od koštica grožđa i lanenim uljem, dodatim u tečnom obliku, kao alginatni gel, emulzija sa izolatom proteina soje (IPS) i inkapsuliranim kao mikrosfere. Posmatran je uticaj na fizičko- hemijska i senzorna svojstva na kraju procesa proizvodnje i posle 30 dana skladištenja u vakuum pakovanju na temperaturi frižidera (6±1° S). Uticaj na osnovni hemijski sastav najizraženiji je bio kod varijante s tečnim lanenim uljem kao posledica manjeg kala tokom procesa proizvodnje. Promene rN vrednosti su bile slične kod svih varijanti i u okvirima za fermentisane kobasice. U pogledu parametara instrumentalno određene boje poprečnog preseka kobasica uticaj lanenog ulja bio je izraženiji – sve varijante s lanenim uljem su svetlije i žuće u odnosu na KON. Uticaj zamene dela ČMT-a uljem pripremljenim kao alginatni gel i emulzija sa IPS-om na parametre instrumentalno određene boje površine kobasica bio je manji u odnosu na ostala dva načina pripreme ulja...sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46009/RS//
dc.subjectfermented sausagesen
dc.subjectgrapeseed oilen
dc.subjectflaxseed oilen
dc.subjectCIE L*a*b*en
dc.subjecttexture profile analysisen
dc.subjectα-linolenic aciden
dc.subjectn-3 PUFAen
dc.subjectsensory qualityen
dc.subjectfermentisane kobasicesr
dc.subjectulje od koštica grožđasr
dc.subjectlaneno uljesr
dc.subjectCIE L*a*b*sr
dc.subjectinstrumentalna analiza profila teksturesr
dc.subjectα-linolenska kiselinasr
dc.subjectn-3 PUFAsr
dc.subjectsenzorni kvalitetsr
dc.titlePhysical, chemical and sensory characteristics and functional properties of fermented sausages with added plant oilsen
dc.titleFizička, hemijska, senzorna i funkcionalna svojstva fermentisanih kobasica sa dodatkom biljnih uljasr



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