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Organizaciono-ekonomski aspekti uvođenja standarda kvaliteta u proizvodnji i preradi voća

dc.contributor.advisorCeranić, Slobodan
dc.contributor.otherRajić, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherNovković, Nebojša
dc.contributor.otherZlatković, Branislav
dc.contributor.otherRalević, Nebojša
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Bojan
dc.description.abstractThe trends in the global food market are now influenced by the increasing demand for the quality and safe products. Consumers expect the suppliers not only to conform to the quality standard of products and services but also to show how the quality is managed. Recently, such trends have actualized the issue of implementation and certification of quality standards in the food sector in our country, and consequently in the production and processing of fruit. The issue becomes more significant when the fact is considered that the demand for fresh and processed fruits is increasing. The growth trend could be expected to continue in the future, given the increase of the population and awareness of the importance of consumption of these types of food products for human health. Since almost all prerequisites for the successful realization of this production exist in the Republic of Serbia, development opportunities should be identified in said facts. Taking into account the importance of aforementioned issues, the research was conducted in order to determine the overall climate in relation to the implementation of quality standards, including the need for and the necessity of the application of these standards in the fruit production and processing in the Republic of Serbia. The research explored in-depth the impact of the implementation of quality standards on the organisational and economic aspects of the fruit production and processing. The changes required for the standard to be implemented were analyzed and evaluated, occurring problems, potential challenges, as well as the impact of these changes on the business operations. The research covered a sample of 127 businesses. Methods used for the collection, processing and analysis of data and the related literature, are observation, content analysis, the historical research method, interviews, questionnaires, table analysis, the hypothetical-deductive model, the descriptive method, the comparative method, analysis and synthesis. The results are presented in the form of simple descriptive statistics. Other methods used are the Shapiro-Wilk test, the Levene’s test, analysis of variance, the Mann-Whitney U test, the Chi-square test and the Spearman Correlation test...en
dc.description.abstractGlobalni trendovi na tržištu hrane zasnivaju se na sve većem insistiranju na kvalitetnim i zdravstveno bezbednim proizvodima. Kupci od svojih dobavljača zahtevaju ne samo odgovarajući kvalitet proizvoda i usluga, već i određeni dokaz o upravljanju tim kvalitetom. Ovakva situacija je u poslednje vreme, u našoj zemlji, aktuelizovala pitanje uvođenja i sertifikacije standarda kvaliteta u sektoru proizvodnje hrane, pa samim tim i u proizvodnji i preradi voća. Ovo dobija na značaju kada se uzme u obzir činjenica da je potražnja za voćem i prerađevinama od voća u porastu. Trend rasta može da se očekuje i u budućnosti, s obzirom na rast broja ljudi i nivoa njihove svesti o značaju konzumiranja ove vrste prehrambenih proizvoda za zdravlje ljudi. Kako u Republici Srbiji postoje gotovo sve pretpostavke za uspešano ostvarivanje ove vrste proizvodnje, u navedenim činjenicama treba prepoznati veliku razvojnu mogućnost. Imajući u vidu značaj napred navedenog, u radu je realizovano istraživanje, kako bi se utvrdilo kakva je primena standarda kvaliteta, kao i mogućnost i neophodnost njihove primene u sektoru proizvodnje i prerade voća u Republici Srbiji. Istraživano je i kako uvođenje standarda kvaliteta utiče na promene organizacionih i ekonomskih aspekata proizvodnje. Analizirane su promene koje je neophodno izvršiti da bi se uveo standard, problemi koji se pri tim jaljaju, važniji efekti uvođenje standarda kvaliteta, kao i uticaj ovih promena na poslovanje poslovnih sistema. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 127 poslovna sistema. Za prikupljanje, obradu i analizu prikupljenih podataka i literature korišćen je veći broj istraživačkih metoda: metod posmatranja, analize sadržaja, istorijski metod, intervju, anketa, tabelarna analiza, hipotetičko- deduktivni metod, deskriptivni metod, komparativni metod, metod analize i sinteze. Informacije o rezultatima istraživanja date su preko osnovnih pokazatelja deskriptivne statistike. Korišćeni su još i: Šapiro-Vilkov test, Leveneov test, t-test, analiza varijanse, Man-Vitnijev U-test, Hi kvadrat test i Spirmanov test korelacije ranga...sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179028/RS//
dc.subjectOrganisational and economic aspectsen
dc.subjectorganizaciono-ekonomski aspektisr
dc.titleOrganizational and economic aspects of implementation of quality standards in the fruit production and processingen
dc.titleOrganizaciono-ekonomski aspekti uvođenja standarda kvaliteta u proizvodnji i preradi voćasr



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