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Promene hemijskih i fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika tokom proizvodnje tradicionalne Sremske kobasice

dc.creatorStanišić, Nikola
dc.creatorParunović, Nenad
dc.creatorPetrović, M.
dc.creatorRadović, Čedomir
dc.creatorLilić, Slobodan
dc.creatorStajić, Slaviša
dc.creatorGogić, Marija
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this trial was to investigate changes in chemical and physic-chemical parameters during the production of traditional Sremska sausage (dry fermented sausage) from pork of three pig breeds: Mangalitsa (MA), Moravka (MO) and Swedish Landrace (SL). Analyses of all variants of sausages were carried out after stuffing (day 0) and on production days 3, 7, 14 and 21. The reduction in moisture during production caused the increase in protein, fat and ash contents (p lt 0.001) in all three variants of sausages, were found to be within the range for this type of sausages. Higher fat content in MA and MO sausages compared to SL variant was most likely a result of the different chemical composition of the meat from pigs of autochthonous breeds. All three sausage variants had a similar final pH value, but the mildest drop of pH was determined in MA sausages. Pig breed significantly affected (p lt 0.05) all three indicators of oxidative changes (thiobarbituric acid value, peroxide value and free fatty acid content). It was found that they were higher in SL compared with MA and MO sausages and to significantly increase during the production process.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog ogleda bio je da se ispitaju promene tokom proizvodnje Sremske kobasice (suva fermentisana kobasica) na tradicionalan način od mesa tri rase svinja: Mangulica (MA), Moravka (MO) i Švedski Landras (SL). Analize svih varijanti kobasica su rađene nakon punjenja (dan 0) i nakon 3-, 7-, 14- i 21-og dana proizvodnje. Smanjenje udela vode tokom proizvodnje imalo je za posledicu povećanje udela proteina, masti i pepela u svim grupama (p lt 0,001), i bilo je karakteristično za ovaj tip kobasica. Utvrđen veći udeo masti kod MA i MO kobasica u poređenju sa SL varijantom, verovatno je posledica različitog hemijskog sastava mesa autohtonih rasa svinja. Sve tri varijante kobasica su imale sličnu finalnu pH vrednost, međutim, najblaži pad pH vrednosti tokom proizvodnje utvrđen je kod MA kobasica. Rasa svinja je imala značajan uticaj na parametre oksidativnih promena (broj tiobarbiturne kiseline, peroksidni broj i sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina). Utvrđeno je da su bili veći kod SL u odnosu na MA i MO grupu kobasica i da se značajno povećavaju tokom procesa proizvodnje.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31081/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectSremska sausageen
dc.subjectpig breeden
dc.subjectchemical propertiesen
dc.subjectphysico­chemical propertiesen
dc.titleChanges in chemical and physicochemical characteristics during the production of traditional Sremska sausageen
dc.titlePromene hemijskih i fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika tokom proizvodnje tradicionalne Sremske kobasicesr
dc.citation.other30(4): 705-715



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