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Uticaj multifazne ishrane brojlera na prirast, osnovne delove trupa i sadržaj azota u fecesu

dc.creatorTolimir, N.
dc.creatorPerić, L.
dc.creatorMilošević, N.
dc.creatorDjukić-Stojčić, Mirjana
dc.creatorBogdanović, Vladan
dc.creatorJovanović, R.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of multiphase feeding, i.e. the effect of different mash feeds with multi-phase protein reduction, on growth, main carcass parts and nitrogen content in faeces of broiler chickens. The experiment was conducted on 1216 chickens of Ross 308 provenience, separated by sex. The experiment lasted for 42 days and the standard technology was used. The groups differed in a type of a mash (treatment) given in the starter period, as follows: T1 (control group) was given a mash with 23% crude proteins from day 1 to day 21; T2 - a mash with 23% proteins from day 1 to day 7, followed by a mash with 21.5% proteins given from day 7 to day 21; T3 - a mash with 23% proteins from day 1 to day 14, followed by a mash with 21.5% proteins given from day 14 to day 21; T4 - mashes changed every three days, having 23%, 22.55%, 22.10%, 21.65% , 21.20%, 20.75% and 20.30% of crude proteins, respectively. Slaughtering performance was investigated on a total of 64 broiler chickens, with eight male and eight female chickens used separately for each of the treatments. Nitrogen content in faeces was determined using the pooled sample of faeces. The obtained results showed some differences in the average daily growth of the male and female chickens when comparing the control (T1) and the experimental groups. Those differences were not statistically significant. However, when comparing the male-only groups, it was determined that the experimental group T4 had statistically significantly higher growth than T2 and T3 group. The effect of the multi-phase feeding programme on the breast, thigh and drumstick share of both male and female broilers was not significant. The applied multi-phase feeding programmes resulted in a reduction in the nitrogen content in the faeces. Considering the obtained results, it can be concluded that the multi-phase feeding programmes had no negative effect on the growth and slaughtering performances of broilers. This goes in favour of these programmes, since they can result in some positive economic and environmental effects of production.en
dc.description.abstractCilj rada je ispitivanje uticaja multifazne ishrane, odnosno različitih smeša za ishranu brojlera u kojima je sadržaj proteina višefazno smanjen, na prirast, osnovne delova trupa i sadržaj azota u fecesu. Ispitivanje je izvedeno na 1216 pilića provenijence Ross 308, razdvojenih po polu. U oglednom periodu od 42 dana primenjena je standardna tehnologija. Razlika između grupa (tretmana) bila je u tipu smeša za ishranu u starter periodu, a prema sledećem programu: T1 (kontrolna grupa) - ishrana smešom sa 23% sirovih proteina u trajanju od 1. do 21. dana; T2 - ishrana od 1. do 7. dana smešom sa 23% i od 7. do 21. dana sa 21,5% proteina; T3 - ishrana od 1. do14. dana smešom sa 23% sirovih proteina i od 14. do 21. dana sa 21,5% proteina; T4 - ishrana smešama sa dinamikom promene na svaka 3. dana, odnosno sa 23% , 22,55% , 22,10%, 21,65% , 21,20%, 20,75% i 20,30% sirovih proteina. Ispitivanje klaničnih osobina, obavljeno je na ukupno 64 brojlera, odnosno na po 8 pilića oba pola, za svaki tretman. Sadržaj azota u fecesu određen je na zbirnom uzorku fecesa. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, kod pilića muškog i ženskog pola, utvrđene razlike u prosečnom dnevnom prirastu, između kontrolne (T1) i oglednih grupa nisu bile na nivou statističke značajnosti. Međutim, poređenjem oglednih grupa međusobno, kod pilića muškog pola utvrđeno je da je ogledna T4 grupa ostvarila statistički značajno veći prirast u poređenju sa T2 i T3 grupom. Uticaj programa multifazne ishrane na prinos i udeo grudi, bataka i karabataka, kod pilića oba pola, nije bio signifikantan. Primenjeni programi multifazne ishrane rezultirali su izvesnim smanjenjem sadržaja azota u fecesu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da programi multifazne ishrana brojlera nisu imali negativan uticaj na prirast i klanične performanse, što ide u prilog njene primene, s obzirom da se ovim programima mogu ostvariti pozitivni ekonomski i ekološki efekti proizvodnje.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31033/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectmulti-phase feedingen
dc.subjectmain carcass partsen
dc.titleEffect of multi-phase feeding on growth, main carcass parts, and nitrogen content in faeces of broiler chickensen
dc.titleUticaj multifazne ishrane brojlera na prirast, osnovne delove trupa i sadržaj azota u fecesusr
dc.citation.other29(3): 483-492



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