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Osiromašeni uranijum II - radiološki efekti i hemijska toksičnost osiromašenog uranijuma

dc.creatorRajković, Miloš
dc.description.abstractDepleted uranium is a highly toxic and low radioactive waste: an off-product of the uranium enrichment process. It is a dangerous radioactive waste for man and the environment. Up to the seventies of the XX century it was stored. From the beginning, of the seventies it has been used for missile hard core production which seems to be very efficient for armor brakes (penetration). But except for its immediate efficiency, for which there is no doubt, depleted uranium stays on location in the form of tiny particles and smog as "invisible threat", being dangerous for people and the environment almost forever (4,5 , 109years). That is the reason for the great publicity, which in the last decade, from the Gulf War (1991) when munitions with depleted uranium were massively used for the first time, exceeded in the real campaign against these munitions which is unselective, inhuman and causes consequences for both the conquered and conquerors. In the name of humanity, the environment and quality of life on the Earth, a campaign has been led to place a ban on its usage. From the military viewpoint these are - ideal weapons. As the ideal - does not exist, in this serial the cycle of depleted uranium movement will be presented from the separation of unusable material (which means expensive for storage but cheap almost free of cost, for giving to possible users) in the process of nuclear fuel enrichment to a use for munitions production. The last stage is not finished, yet the consequences of use of munitions with depleted uranium, because they are unpredictable, unselective and eternal. In the second part of the serial the radioactive characteristics of depleted uranium are explained in detail, as well as descendants of its radioactive degradation. Also, an explanation of the chemical toxicity of depleted uranium is given in the case when it is inhaled or ingested, when it circulates through the body and attacks primarily bone marrow, lungs and kidneys, with terrible consequences; cancer, leukemia and genetic changes. In relation with those consequences of the use of these munitions on the population and on soldiers -war veterans who have been in combat, and further more their offsoring are presented. Finally, lessons for the use of munitions with depleted uranium which must be learned are emphasized with only one aim - not ever to be again.en
dc.description.abstractU drugom delu serije posvećene problemu "osiromašenog" uranijuma detaljno su objašnjene radiološke karakteristike osiromašenog uranijuma i potomci njegovog radioaktivnog raspada. Objašnjena je takođe hemijska toksičnost osiromašenog uranijuma koji, unet inhalacijom ili ingestijom u čovekov organizam, cirkuliše kroz telo i napada primarno koštanu srž, pluća i bubrege, gde izaziva kancer, leukemiju i genetske promené. U skladu sa tim prikazane su posledice primene municije sa osiromašenim uranijumom po stanovništvo, ali i po vojnike - veterane koji su učestvovali u borbenim dejstvima i dalje na njihovo potomstvo. Na kraju, ukazanu je na iskustva i rezultate iz korišćenja municije sa osiromašenim uranijumom.sr
dc.publisherSavez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd
dc.sourceHemijska industrija
dc.subjectdepleted uraniumen
dc.subjectradiological effectsen
dc.subjectchemical toxicityen
dc.subjectGulf waren
dc.subjecttraumatic stressen
dc.subjectosiromašeni uranijumsr
dc.subjectradiološki efektisr
dc.subjecthemijska toksičnostsr
dc.subjectZalivski ratsr
dc.subjecttraumatski stressr
dc.titleDepleted uranium II: Rradiation effects and chemical toxicity of depleted uraniumen
dc.titleOsiromašeni uranijum II - radiološki efekti i hemijska toksičnost osiromašenog uranijumasr
dc.citation.other55(5): 207-223



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