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Uticaj agroekoloških i zemljišnih uslova na morfološke osobine i prinos heljde

dc.creatorGlamočlija, Djordje
dc.creatorĆosić, Zora
dc.creatorDražić, Slobodan
dc.creatorIkanović, Jela
dc.creatorMilutinović, Marina
dc.creatorDjokić, Jasna
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the results of studying the effect of different agro-ecological and soil conditions on morphological characteristics and production of buckwheat. The case study was a local variety of buckwheat Dove. The three-year study were performed at three sites, and to Surduk (Vojvodina), Kučevo (eastern Serbia) and Nova Varoš (Southwestern Serbia) on three different soil types. Based on the results of the tested LSD test, we found that weather conditions, primarily the amount and distribution of rainfall, have the greatest impact on plant growth and grain yield. Soil conditions were not significantly affected the production of buckwheat, as well as planting density. The soils in free of weeds mountainous areas should give priority to the denser sowing, and sowing on fertile soils in the inter-row distance of 50 cm. The grain yield obtained in the three-year study showed that buckwheat has a large genetic yield potential since the experiments are performed on the BACKGROUND: of natural soil fertility.en
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja uticaja različitih agroekoloških i zemljišnih uslova na morfološke i proizvodne osobine heljde. Predmet istraživanja bila je domaća sorta heljde Golubica. Trogodišnja istraživanja su izvedena na tri lokaliteta, i to Surduk (Vojvodina), Kučevo (istočna Srbija) i Nova Varoš (jugozapadna Srbija) na tri različita tipa zemljišta. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja testiranih LSD-testom, ustanovljeno je da vremenski uslovi, u prvom redu količine i raspored padavina, imaju najveći uticaj na rastenje biljaka, kao i na prinos zrna. Zemljišni uslovi nisu značajnije uticali na proizvodnju heljde, kao ni gustina setve. Na nezakorovljenim zemljištima i u brdsko-planinskim područjima trebalo bi dati prednost gušćoj setvi, a na plodnim zemljištima setvi na međuredno rastojanje 50 cm. Prinosi zrna dobijeni u trogodišnjim istraživanjima pokazali su da heljda ima veliki genetički potencijal rodnosti budući da su ogledi izvedeni na fonu prirodne plodnosti zemljišta.sr
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectFagopyrum esculentumen
dc.subjectagro-ecological and soil conditionsen
dc.subjectmorphological characteristics and yielden
dc.subjectagroekološki i zemljišni uslovisr
dc.subjectmorfološke osobine i prinossr
dc.titleImpact agroecological conditions and land on the morphological features and yield Fagopyrum esculentumen
dc.titleUticaj agroekoloških i zemljišnih uslova na morfološke osobine i prinos heljdesr
dc.citation.other18(1-2): 71-77



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