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Pucanje plodova trešnje usled kiše i mere zaštite

dc.creatorMilatović, Dragan
dc.creatorDjurović, Dejan
dc.creatorDjordjević, Boban
dc.description.abstractFruit cracking due to rain is a limiting factor for successful production of sweet cherries, especially in areas with higher precipitation during ripening. Mechanisms leading to cracking are complex and still not fully understood. Cracking can be caused by both external and internal influences. The first cause of cracking is absorption of rain water through the cuticle due to a high osmotic potential inside the fruit. The second cause of cracking is water uptake through the root. There are two groups of factors influencing the cherry fruit cracking. On the one hand are fruit characteristics, such as: size, firmness, strength of the fruit skin, anatomy of the epidermis, size and density of stomata, cuticle properties, osmotic concentration of fruit juice, fruit development stage. On the other hand, the cracking is affected by environmental factors, such as the amount and duration of rainfall and temperature. In two experiments during the period 2008-2010 a number of cultivars of sweet cherry were tested for susceptibility to fruit cracking by determining the cracking index. In 17 cultivars grafted on Mazzard seedlings in the Belgrade area cracking index ranged from 3.8 in cultivar 'Sue' to 72.7 in cultivar 'Bigarreau Jaboulay'. In 15 cultivars grafted on 'Gisela 5' rootstocks in the region of Šabac cracking index ranged from 15.3 in cultivar 'Chelan' to 63.9 in cultivar 'Summer Sun'. There are several ways to prevent or reduce fruit cracking of sweet cherries, such as the choice of less susceptible cultivars, physical removal of water from fruit surface, placing protective covers over the trees and spray with various chemical compounds such as mineral salts (most commonly CaCl2), antitranspirants, surfactants, plant growth regulators and others. The most effective protection method is plastic rain cover over the tree rows, but it too expensive for many cherry growers. Because of that researchers are trying to find other less expensive and sufficiently effective ways to prevent fruit cracking. Some new promising products are 'RainGuard' and 'Sure Seal' from USA, 'Platina' from Belgium, and 'Pre Tect' from England.en
dc.description.abstractPucanje plodova trešnje usled kiše predstavlja ograničavajući faktor za uspešnu proizvodnju, posebno u područjima sa većom količinom padavina u periodu zrenja. Mehanizmi koji dovode do pucanja ploda su složeni i još uvek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni. U dva ogleda u periodu 2008-2010. godine ispitivana je osetljivost većeg broja sorti trešnje prema pucanju ploda na osnovu određivanja indeksa pucanja. Kod 17 sorti trešnje kalemljenih na sejancu divlje trešnje u uslovima beogradskog Podunavlja indeks pucanja ploda je bio od 3,8 kod sorte Sju do 72,7 kod sorte Lionska rana. Kod 15 novijih sorti trešnje kalemljenih na podlozi Gizela 5 na području Šapca indeks pucanja ploda je bio od 15,3 kod sorte Čelan do 63,9 kod sorte Samersan. Postoji više načina da se spreči ili smanji pojava pucanja plodova, kao što su: izbor manje osetljivih sorti, fizičko uklanjanje vode sa plodova, postavljanje zaštitnih pokrivača iznad stabala i prskanje sa različitim hemijskim jedinjenjima kao što su: mineralne soli, antitranspiranti, okvašivači, biljni regulatori rasta i druga
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectPrunus aviumen
dc.subjectfruit cracking indexen
dc.subjectprevention of fruit crackingen
dc.subjectPrunus aviumsr
dc.subjectindeks pucanja plodasr
dc.subjectmere za sprečavanje pucanja plodasr
dc.titleRain induced fruit cracking of sweet cherries and methods of its preventionen
dc.titlePucanje plodova trešnje usled kiše i mere zaštitesr
dc.citation.other17(5): 13-25

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