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Variranje svojstava u gajenoj populaciji belog sleza (Althaea officinalis L.)

dc.creatorDražić, Slobodan
dc.creatorProdanović, Slaven
dc.creatorGlamočlija, Djordje
dc.creatorŽivanović, Tomislav
dc.creatorKrivokuća-Djokić, Dragana
dc.description.abstractVariability of traits in the grown population of marshmallow Vojvođanski was analysed in two locations (Pančevo and Banatski Brestovac) during the two-year period (2008-2009). The following traits were studied: plant height (cm), number of side branches, leaf length (cm), fresh root yield per plant (g) and the number of swellings. The traits of the population were quantified over mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variations, asymmetry (β1) and kurtosis (β2) of the normal frequency distribution curve. Mean difference testing of traits was done by the application the t-test. Significant variations in traits were found, especially for the fresh root yield per plant (CV=43% and 52%) and the number of side branches (CV=50% and 72%). A very significant difference among trait means was determined for fresh root yield (g). The frequency distribution was symmetric (β1≈0) for the majority of traits except for the fresh root yield and the number of swellings. This points out to the fact that a higher number of plants (samples) had lower values for these traits than the population average (β1>0). The frequency distribution for all traits was more kurtosis (β2 lt 3), except for the fresh root yield (in the location of Banatski Brestovac) where it was more elongated (β2>3) than the normal distribution. A significant interdependence (rF=0.73) was established between the stalk height and the number of side branches. The correlation among remaining traits was weak and moderately strong (rF=0.21-0.64). .en
dc.description.abstractAnalizirano je variranje važnijih svojstava gajene populacije belog sleza vojvođanski u dve lokacije. Ispitivana su sledeća svojstva biljaka u populaciji: visina stabla (cm), broj bočnih grana na stablu, dužina lista (cm), prinos svežeg korena po biljci (g) i broj bubrenja. Značajnost promena srednjih vrednosti svojstava proveravana je preko t-testa. Svojstva populacije kvantitativno su izražena preko srednje vrednosti, standardne devijacije, koeficijenta varijacije, asimetrije (β1) i spljoštenosti (β2) krive normalne distribucije frekvencija. Između prosečnih vrednosti svojstava, konstatovana je veoma značajna razlika između lokacija samo za prinos svežeg korena (g). Na svakoj od lokacija zapaženo je značajno variranje svojstava, a posebno prinosa svežeg korena (CV=43 i 52%) i broja bočnih grana (CV=50% i 72%). Distribucija frekvencija ispitivanih svojstava je bila simetrična (β1≈0) za više svojstava, osim za prinos svežeg korena i broj bubrenja, što ukazuje da je za ova svojstva veći broj biljaka (uzoraka) imao manje vrednosti od proseka populacije (β1>0). Distribucija frekvencija za sva svojstva bila je više spljoštena (β2 lt 3), osim za prinos svežeg korena (lokacija Banatski Brestovac) gde je bila izduženija (β2>3) od normalne distribucije. Značajna povezanost svojstava (rF=0,73) utvrđena je između visine stabla i broja bočnih grana. Korelacija između ostalih ispitivanih svojstava bila je slaba i srednje jaka (rF=0,21-0,64). .sr
dc.publisherSavez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjectbeli slezsr
dc.subjectgajena populacijasr
dc.titleVariability of traits in the grown population of marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.)en
dc.titleVariranje svojstava u gajenoj populaciji belog sleza (Althaea officinalis L.)sr
dc.citation.other71(3): 31-38

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