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Uticaj agril termozaštitne tkanine na proizvodnu vrednost i kvalitet ploda sorte jagode 'Clery'

dc.creatorMilivojević, Jasminka
dc.creatorNikolić, Mihailo
dc.creatorRadivojević, Dragan
dc.creatorDragišić-Maksimović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractThe influence of agril foil utilization on the parameters of production value (flowering and ripening time, yield and physical fruit traits) and fruit quality attributes (chemical properties, total antioxidant capacity and sensorial traits) of strawberry cultivar 'Clery' were studied. Investigations were carried out during 2009. on the private strawberry field located in Grocka. Strawberry plants covered with agril foil weighing 19 g/m2 at the beginning of March 2009. with goal to stimulate their intensive growth and to provide frost protection during the flowering season. Earlier flowering and ripening time were registered in cv 'Clery' grown under agril foil (03.04. and 01.05., respectively), but also mentioned phenological phases lasted longer. A positive influence of agril foil was observed in number of fruits per plant (40,4), however better results regarding yields and physical fruit properties were obtained without foil applying. In this case, higher yield obtained per plant (1.029,9 g) can be explained by larger fruits registered on the plants without agril foil (29,8 g). The soluble solids content ranged from 7,5% (control) to 8,10 % (with agril foil). The same trend can be observed with total phenolic content achieving higher value in the fruit of cv 'Clery' grown under agril foil (2,25 mg GA/g FW). Consequently, the highest total antioxidant capacity, which is of importance not only for maintaining the nutritional value and sensorial fruit quality, but also because of considerable health benefits was also obtained in cv 'Clery' with agril foil utilization.en
dc.description.abstractU radu je ispitivan uticaj primene agril termozaštitne tkanine na parametre proizvodne vrednosti (fenologija cvetanja i zrenja, rodnost i fizičke osobine ploda) i kvaliteta ploda (hemijske osobine i antioksidativni kapacitet ploda) sorte jagode 'Clery'. Ispitivanja su izvedena 2009. godine, u privatnom zasadu jagode koji se nalazi u Grockoj. Agril termozaštitna tkanina težine 19 g/m2 postavljena je preko biljaka početkom marta 2009. godine sa ciljem ubrzavanja njihovog rasta i zaštite u fenofazi cvetanja tokom kritičnog perioda sa mogućim pojavljivanjem mraza. Raniji početak fenofaze cvetanja (03.04.) i zrenja (01.05.) registrovan je kod sorte 'Clery' pod agrilom, ali i duže trajanje pomenutih fenofaza. Pozitivan uticaj primene agril termozaštitne tkanine registrovan je i kod broja plodova po bokoru (40,4), međutim u pogledu visine prinosa i fizičkih osobina ploda bolji rezultati su ostvareni bez primene agrila. Zahvaljujući većoj masi ploda registrovanoj u kontrolnoj varijanti (29,8 g) ostvaren je i nešto veći prinos po bokoru (1.029,9 g) u poređenju sa prinosom dobijenim pod agrilom (960,1 g), ali značajnost razlika u dobijenim vrednostima nije ustanovljena. Sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija u plodu bio je 7,5% u kontroli i 8,1% u tretmanu sa agrilom. Nešto viši sadržaj ukupnih fenola takođe je registrovan u plodu sorte 'Clery' pod agrilom (2,25 mg GA/g sveže mase ploda), kao i viša vrednost antioksidativnog kapaciteta ploda (1,63 mg asc/g sveže mase ploda). Značaj antioksidativnog kapaciteta ploda se ogleda ne samo u očuvanju hranljive vrednosti i senzoričkog kvaliteta ploda, već i u zdravstvenoj korisnosti za ljudski organizam.sr
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectagril foilen
dc.subjectfruit qualityen
dc.subjectagril termozaštitna tkaninasr
dc.subjectkvalitet plodasr
dc.titleThe influence of agril foil on production value and fruit quality of strawberry cultivar 'Clery'en
dc.titleUticaj agril termozaštitne tkanine na proizvodnu vrednost i kvalitet ploda sorte jagode 'Clery'sr
dc.citation.other16(5): 5-13



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