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Uticaj multifazne ishrane na proizvodne performanse brojlera

dc.creatorTolimir, N.
dc.creatorPerić, L.
dc.creatorMilošević, N.
dc.creatorBogdanović, Vladan
dc.description.abstractMultiphase broiler nutrition is important from the standpoint of nutrition optimization, economical efficiency of production and protection of the environment. Objective of research is to investigate the effect of multiphase nutiriton, i.e. different mixtures used in broiler nutrition, whse protein content has been reduced in several phases during first fattening stage, on production performances of broilers. Investigation was carried out on 608 individually tagged male chickens, Ross 308 strain, divided into 4 groups: T1 (control group) - nutrition with mixture containing 23% of protein from 1-21st day; T2 - nutrition with mixture containing 23% of protein from 1st to 7th day, and from 7th to 21st day diet containing 21.5% protein; T3 - nutrition with mixture containing 23% of protein from 1st to 14th day and from 14th to 21st day diet containing 21.5% protein and T4 - nutrition with mixture containing 23% of protein from 1st to 3rd day, from 4-6th day with 22.55% protein, 7-9th day with 22.10% protein, 10-12th day diet with 21.65% protein, 13 - 15th day with 21.20% protein, 16-18th day with 20.75% protein and 19th-21st day diet with 20.30% protein. Main production parameters were registered during the trial period (from 1 to 21st day).Through processing of obtained data it ewas established that chickens of the T4 group (2092.42g), had realized statistically significantly higher body mass compared to T2 (2025.00g) and T3 (2020.07g), but not in relation to control group T1 (2055.16g), during trial period of 42 days. Also, it can be concluded that in regard to daily gain in period up to 21st day, no statistically significant differences between trial groups were established, however, for the entire trial period, average daily gain of chickens in T4 group (48.84g) was statistically considerably higher compared to T2 (47.24g) and T3 (47.13g), whereas in relation to T1 no differences were established T1 (47.99). Feed conversion differed between groups, precisely in favor of the application of multiphase broiler nutrition, i.e. feed conversion of the trial group T4 (1.870) was the best compared to T1 (1.918), T2 (2.005) and T3 (1.970). Based on obtained results it can be concluded that multiphase nutrition had effect on production performances, primarily level of food utilization.en
dc.description.abstractMultifazna ishrana brojlera je značajna sa aspekta optimiziranja ishrane, ekonomičnosti proizvodnje i zaštite životne sredine. Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj multifazne ishrane, odnosno različitih smeša za ishranu brojlera, u kojima je sadržaj proteina smanjen višefazno u prvoj fazi tova, na proizvodne osobine tovnih pilića. Ispitivanje je izvedeno na 608 individualno obeleženih pilića muškog pola, provenijence Ross 308, podeljenih u četiri grupe: T1 (kontrolna grupa) - ishrana smešom sa 23% proteina u trajanju od 1-21 dana; T2 - ishrana od 1-7 dana smešom sa 23% proteina i od 7-21 dana sa 21,5% proteina; T3 - ishrana od 1-14 dana smešom sa 23% proteina i od 14-21 dana sa 21,5% proteina i T4 - ishrana 1 -3 dana smešom sa 23% proteina, 4-6 dana sa 22,55% proteina, 7-9 dana sa 22,10% proteina, 10-12 dana sa 21,65% proteina, 13-15 dana sa 21,20% proteina, 16-18 dana sa 20,75% proteina i 19-21 dana sa 20,30% proteina. U oglednom periodu (od 1-42 dana) praćeni su osnovni proizvodni parametri. Obradom podataka utvrđeno je da su pilići T4 grupe (2092,42g), ostvarili statistički značajno veću telesnu masu u odnosu na T2 (2025,00g) i T3 (2020,07g), ali ne i u odnosu na kontrolnu T1 grupu (2055,16g), u oglednom periodu od 42 dana. Takođe se može konstatovati da za dnevni prirast u periodu do 21. dana nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između oglednih grupa, međutim posmatrano za ceo ogledni period, prosečan dnevni prirast T4 grupe (48,84g) bio je statistički značajno veći u poređenju sa T2 (47,24g) i T3 (47,13g), dok nije bilo razlika u poređenju sa T1 (47,99) oglednom grupom. Konverzija hrane razlikovala se između grupa, upravo na način koji govori u prilog primeni multifazne ishrane brojlera, odnosno konverzija ogledne T4 grupe (1,870) bila je najpovoljnija u poređenju sa T1 (1,918), T2 (2,005) i T3 (1,970). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je multifazna ishrana imala uticaj na proizvodne performanse, a prevashodno na stepen iskorišćavanja hrane.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectmultiphase nutritionen
dc.subjectproduction traitsen
dc.titleThe effect of multiphase nutrition on production performances of broilersen
dc.titleUticaj multifazne ishrane na proizvodne performanse brojlerasr
dc.citation.other26(1-2): 83-90



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