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Potrošnja energije u proizvodnji paradajza na otvorenom i u objektima zaštićenog prostora različite konstrukcije

dc.creatorDjević, Milan
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Aleksandra
dc.creatorMileusnić, Zoran
dc.creatorMiodragović, Rajko
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper is to analyze energy patterns in open and greenhouse tomato production, since tomato is very important vegetable in human nutrition with tendency to be used whole year. The greenhouses used were one tunnel structure, covered with double PE folia, 5 x 20 m and one gutter-connected double PE covered structure 21m wide and 250m long. The results obtained lead to the conclusion that lower specific energy per production surface can be expected in conditions of the open filed and that, regarding the greenhouses lower value for energy consumption can be expected in case of multi-span greenhouses. The results show that there are differences in yield as well as in energy consumption between the open and the greenhouse tomato production. The highest yield was measured in the gutter-connected greenhouse, 23.78 kg/m2 and lowest in the open filed, 17 kg/m2. The direct and the indirect energy input measured show that the lower specific energy consumption per production surface can be expected in the open filed compared to the greenhouse tomato production. The lowest energy input per kilogram of product was measured for the gutter-connected greenhouse, of 0.89 MJ/kg, and the highest for the tunnel structure, 1.21 MJ/kg. The highest energy productivity was measured for the gutterconnected structure, 1.12 kg/MJ and the lowest for the tunnel structure, 0.83 MJ/kg. Based on the energy consumption and the energy output it can be seen that the tomato production in the open filed is less energy demanding compared to the tomato production in the greenhouses. The structure of energy inputs shows that 80 up to 90% of the total energy consumption is based on indirect energy inputs, mostly fertilizers, human labor and water for irrigation. Results also show that energy consumption must be analyzed together with the energy output. Greenhouse structures had better ratio between yield and energy consumption compared to the open filed production system. This has also led to the higher energy productivity in the greenhouse tomato production systems.en
dc.description.abstractS obzirom na intenzivnost korišćenja paradajza u ljudskoj ishrani, za proizvođače je od izuzetnog značaja energetska, ekonomska i ekološka efikasnost proizvodnje.S obzirom na to da se paradajz gaji kako na otvorenom tako i u objektima zaštićenog prostora cilj istraživanja je bio analiza proizvodnje na otvorenom polju i u objektima zaštićenog prostora tunel i blok tipa s aspekta potrošnje energije i energetske efikasnosti. Objekat tunel tipa dimenzija je 5 x 20 m i pokriven je dvostrukom 180 μm PE UV IR folijom. Blok objekat je sa dva broda, dimenzija 21 x 250 m pokriven dvostrukom PE UV IR folijom. Rezultati ukazuju na razlike kako u prinosu tako i u potrošnji energije i energetskoj efikasnosti u proizvodnji na otvorenom i u objektima zaštićenog prostora. Najviši prinos ostvaren je u blok objektu od 23,78 kg/m2 a najniži na otvorenom polju od 17 kg/m2. Izmereni utrošak materijala i ljudskog rada u vidu direktnih i indirektnih inputa ukazuje da se niža potrošnja energije po jedinici površine može očekivati na otvorenom, a da se, kada su objekti zaštićenog prostora u pitanju niža potrošnja energije može očekivati kod objekata veće specifične zapremine, tj. objekata blok tipa. Najniži energetski input po kilogramu proizvoda ostvaren je u blok plasteniku, 0,89 MJ/kg, a najviši u objektu tunel tipa, 1,21 MJ/kg. Kada se govori o energetskoj produktivnosti u blok objektu je utvrđena najviša vrednost od 1,12 kg/MJ, dok je u objektu tunel tipa bila najniža i iznosila je 0,83 kg/MJ.sr
dc.publisherNacionalno naučno društvo za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Novi Sad
dc.sourceSavremena poljoprivredna tehnika
dc.subjectopen fileden
dc.subjectenergy efficiencyen
dc.subjectotvoreno poljesr
dc.subjectenergetska efikasnostsr
dc.titleEnergy consumption in the open field and greenhouse tomato productionen
dc.titlePotrošnja energije u proizvodnji paradajza na otvorenom i u objektima zaštićenog prostora različite konstrukcijesr
dc.citation.other36(2): 138-146



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