Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Stabilnost prinosa i komponenti prinosa hibrida kukuruza

dc.creatorČvarković, Radomir
dc.creatorBranković, Gordana
dc.creatorČalić, Irena
dc.creatorDelić, Nenad
dc.creatorŽivanović, Tomislav
dc.creatorŠurlan-Momirović, Gordana
dc.description.abstractTwo-year grain yield and 1000-grains mass data of 24 maize hybrids of FAO maturity groups 400, 500, 600, 700 were analyzed. Investigations were performed at the two environments in two years. Nonparametric methods of the Kubinger and the van der Laan-de Kroon showed genotype x environment interaction for both investigated features, and method of Hildebrand showed interaction for 1000-grains mass. Maize hybrids stability was estimated with stability parameters: Si(1)- the mean of the absolute rank differences over environments, Si(2)- the common variance of the ranks, Si(3).and Si(6): the sum of the absolute deviations and sum of squares of rank for each genotype relative to the mean of ranks, respectively. On the basis of the stability parametar values, the most stable and the most unstable hybrids were estimated for each FAO maturity group, for both investigated features. Correlation coefficients between both investigated features and stability parameters and for all pairs of stability parameters were computed. In spite of the positive correlations estimated between all four stability parameters, we can make two groups: the first group formed: Si(1)- the mean of the absolute rank differences over environments and Si(2)- the common variance of the ranks and the second group formed: Si(3) and Si(6)- the sum of the absolute deviations and sum of squares of rank for each genotype relative to the mean of ranks respectively.en
dc.description.abstractAnalizirani su dvogodišnji podaci prinosa i mase 1000 semena kod 24 hibrida kukuruza FAO grupe zrenja 400, 500, 600 i 700. Istraživanja su izvršena na dva lokaliteta tokom dvogodišnjeg perioda. Primenom neparametrijskih metoda: Kubingerove i van der Laana i de Kroona, utvrđeno je postojanje interakcije genotip × spoljašnja sredina za obe ispitivane osobine a metoda Hildebranda je utvrdila postojanje interakcije za masu 1000 zrna. Stabilnost hibrida procenjena je pomoću neparametrijskih parametara stabilnosti: Si(1)- prosečne razlike rangova u različitim sredinama; Si(2)- varijanse rangova; Si(3) i Si(6)- relativnog odstupanja u odnosu na prosečan rang. Na osnovu izračunatih vrednosti parametara stabilnosti utvrđeni su najstabilniji i najnestabilniji hibridi za svaku FAO grupu zrenja, kod obe ispitivane osobine. Izračunati su koeficijenti korelacije između obe ispitivane osobine i parametara stabilnosti kao i između samih parametara stabilnosti. Iako je između sva četiri parametra stabilnosti utvrđena jaka povezanost, ipak se može govoriti o dve grupe parametara stabilnosti: u prvu grupu spadaju prosečna razlika rangova u različitim sredinama i varijansa rangova, a u drugu grupu relativno odstupanje u odnosu na prosečan
dc.publisherDruštvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectGE interactionen
dc.subjectmaize hybridsen
dc.subjectnonparametric methodsen
dc.subjectstability analysisen
dc.titleStability of yield and yield components in maize hybridsen
dc.titleStabilnost prinosa i komponenti prinosa hibrida kukuruzasr
dc.citation.other41(2): 215-224



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