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Uticaj multifazne ishrane na proizvodne performanse brojlera u starter periodu

dc.creatorTolimir, Nataša
dc.creatorPerić, Lidija
dc.creatorMilošević, Niko
dc.creatorBogdanović, Vladan
dc.creatorVukić-Vranješ, Marina
dc.description.abstractMulti-phased broiler diet is important for optimizing nutrition, production economy and environmental protection. By observing the fattening period, we can conclude that the early fattening phases are given special attention and that the nutrition during the starter period is especially significant for obtaining optimal production performance. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of multi-phase diet (or rather different mixtures of broiler feed where the protein content was reduced by multiple phases) on the production features of fattening chickens during the first stage of fattening. Testing was conducted on 608 individually marked male chickens, of the Ross 308 type, divided into four groups: T1 (control group) - food mixture with 23% protein content between the 1st - 21st day; T2 - nutrition between the 1st to 7th day using a mixture with 23% protein content followed by nutrition with 21.5% protein content between the 7th and 21st day; T3 - nutrition between 1st - 14th day using a mixture with 23% protein content followed by nutrition with 21.5% protein content between 14th - 21st day, and T4 - nutrition between 1st and 3rd day using a mixture with 23% protein content, followed by a nutrition with 22.55% protein content between 4th to 6th day, and a nutrition with 22.10% protein content between 7th and 9th day, then 21.65% protein content between 10th to 12th day, then 21.20% protein content between 13th - 15th day, then 20.75% protein content between 16th - 18th day and ending with 20.30% protein content between 19th and 21st day. In the experimental period (from 1st - 21st day) the basic production parameters were observed. The analysis of gathered data revealed that the chickens in the T1 (138.14 g, 361.29 g), T2 (137.40 g, 354.83 g) and T3 (137.75 g, 356.65 g) groups achieved significantly higher body mass in the first two weeks compared to chickens in the T4 (133.56 g, 340.08 g) group. However, in the last week of fattening there was a reduction in body weight differences between the T4 group and the other groups, so that by the end of the starter period (21 days) the difference was not statistically significant. Notably, the food conversion in a sample group T4 (1.462) was more efficient when compared to T1 (1.528), T2 (1.646) and T3 (1.572) groups. The multi-phase diet program had no impact on the mortality rate. Although the growth of body weight at the end of the starter period is nearly equal, the difference in conversion efficiency can be crucial for achieving positive economic production effects.en
dc.description.abstractMultifazna ishrana brojlera je značajna sa aspekta optimiziranja ishrane, ekonomičnosti proizvodnje i zaštite životne sredine. Posmatrano po periodima tova, ranom periodu poklanja se posebna pažnja, a ishrana u starter periodu smatra se kritičnom za postizanje optimalnih proizvodnih performansi. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj multifazne ishrane, odnosno različitih smeša za ishranu brojlera u kojima je sadržaj proteina smanjen višefazno, na proizvodne osobine tovnih pilića u prvoj fazi tova. Ispitivanje je izvedeno na 608 individualno obeleženih pilića muškog pola, provenijence Ross 308, podeljenih u četiri grupe: T1 (kontrolna grupa) - ishrana smešom sa 23 % proteina u trajanju od 1. do 21. dana; T2 - ishrana od 1. do 7. dana smešom sa 23 % proteina i od 7. do 21. dana, sa 21,5 % proteina; T3 - ishrana od 1. do 14. dana smešom sa 23 % proteina i od 14. do 21. dana, sa 21,5% proteina i T4 - ishrana od 1. do 3. dana smešom sa 23 % proteina, od 4. do 6. dana sa 22,55 % proteina, od 7. do 9. dana sa 22,10 % proteina, od 10. do 12. dana sa 21,65 % proteina, od 13. do 15. dana sa 21,20 % proteina, od 16 . do 18. dana sa 20,75 % proteina i od 19. do 21. dana sa 20,30 % proteina. U oglednom periodu (od 1. do 21. dana) praćeni su osnovni proizvodni parametri. Analizom obrađenih podataka utvrđeno je da su pilići T1 (138,14 g; 361,29 g), T2 (137,40 g; 354,83 g) i T3 (137,75 g; 356,65 g) u prve dve nedelje ostvarili statistički značajno veću telesnu masu u poređenju sa pilićima T4 (133,56 g; 340,08 g) grupe. Međutim, u poslednjoj nedelji tova došlo je do smanjenja razlike u telesnoj masi pilića između grupe T4 i ostalih grupa, tako da ona na kraju starter perioda (21 dan) nije bila statistički značajna. Naime, konverzija hrane kod ogledne T4 grupe (1,462) bila je najpovoljnija u poređenju sa T1 (1,528), T2 (1,646) i T3 (1,572). Programi multifazne ishrane nisu uticali na mortalitet. Iako se prirast telesne mase na kraju starter perioda skoro izjednačio, razlika u konverziji može biti ključna za ostvarenje pozitivnog ekonomskog efekta
dc.publisherInstitut za primenu nauke u poljoprivredi, Beograd
dc.sourcePoljoprivredne aktuelnosti
dc.subjectmulti-phase nutritionen
dc.subjectproduction traitsen
dc.subjectmultifazna ishranasr
dc.subjectproizvodne osobinesr
dc.titleThe impact of multi-phased nutrition on the production performance of broilers during the starter perioden
dc.titleUticaj multifazne ishrane na proizvodne performanse brojlera u starter periodusr
dc.citation.other8(3-4): 83-90



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