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Prinos nadzemne biomase soje u združenom usevu sa kukuruzom

dc.creatorDolijanović, Željko
dc.creatorOljača, Snežana
dc.creatorKovačević, Dušan
dc.creatorJovanović, Života
dc.description.abstractThe biomass productivity of maize and soya bean obtained in the different plant intercropping systems was investigated in the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, in Zemun Polje, on chernozem type of soil, during 2004. and 2005. This study included three experimental maize hybrids belonging to various FAO maturity groups (500,600 and 700) and a soya bean cultivar Nena of the II maturity group. The two plant arrangement patterns were applied: strips and alternate rows. Intercropping was done according to the method of 'additive series'. The yield of the soya bean ground biomass in intercropping with the maize crop was studied and compared with the yield obtained in the continuous cropping. The results were statistically processed by the analysis of variance and individual comparisons were performed by the LSD test. The meteorological conditions greatly influenced the biomass productivity in the period of investigation. The highest ground biomass soybean yields were obtained in continuous cropping. Moreover, higher yields were achieved in the strip than the alternate rows intercropping system. Soya bean intercrops with late maturity maize hybrids gave lower above ground biomass yields. The strip intercropping sytems were very suitable in the years of investigation, especially with maize hybrids belonging to the FAO maturity group 700. .en
dc.description.abstractIspitivanja združenih i čistih useva kukuruza i soje obavljena su tokom 2004. i 2005. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' na zemljištu tipa černozem u Zemun Polju. Gajena su tri eksperimentalna hibrida kukuruza iz različitih FAO grupa zrenja (EPH2 - FAO 500, EPH4 - FAO 600 i EPH 11 - FAO 700) i sorta soje nena iz II grupe zrenja. Združena setva kukuruza i soje je obavljena po aditivnom metodu, a primenjivana su dva prostorna rasporeda: u trakama i u naizmeničnim redovima. U radu je ispitivan prinos nadzemne biomase soje u združenim usevima sa kukuruzom i upoređivan sa prinosom u čistom usevu. Dobijeni rezultati su obrađeni statistički, metodom analize varijanse, a za pojedinačna poređenja korišćen je lsd test. Prinosi nadzemne biomase soje u združenim i čistim usevima su varirali najviše pod uticajem meteoroloških uslova. Najviši prinosi nadzemne biomase soje su dobijeni u čistom usevu, a upoređujući ispitivane prostorne rasporede u združenim usevima, viši prinosi su ostvareni u združenom usevu u trakama. Soja, kao slabiji kompetitor u ovoj zajednici, najniže prinose je ostvarivala ukoliko je združivana sa kasnostasnijim hibridima kukuruza, kako u trakama, tako i u naizmeničnim redovima. .sr
dc.publisherSavez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjectčist usevsr
dc.subjectprinos nadzemne biomasesr
dc.subjectzdruženi usevsr
dc.titleThe above ground biomass yield of soya bean in intercropping with maizeen
dc.titlePrinos nadzemne biomase soje u združenom usevu sa kukuruzomsr
dc.citation.other70(3): 47-54

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