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Koncentracija kortizola, insulinu sličnog faktora rasta-I i imunoglobulina G-klase u krvi neonatalne teladi različite telesne mase na rođenju

dc.creatorKirovski, Danijela
dc.creatorŠamanc, Horea
dc.creatorFratrić, Natalija
dc.creatorGvozdić, Dragan
dc.creatorHristov, Slavča
dc.creatorSladojević, Željko
dc.creatorMircu, Calin
dc.creatorTulcan, Camelia
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this work was to examine whether concentrations of cortisol, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and immunoglobulin G class (IgG), in fact blood parameters which are believed to be of extreme importance in the postnatal survival of calves, are dependant on the body mass of calves at birth. Investigations were performed on 12 newborn calves of the Holstein-Friesian breed, placed into two groups on the grounds of their body mass at birth. The first group (n=6) comprised calves whose body mass was more than 35 kg at birth (41.67±3.08 kg), while the second group (n=6) comprised calves whose body mass at birth was less than 35 kg (32.00±3.58 kg). Blood samples were taken immediately preceding the consuming of colostrum, as well as at 32 hours of neonatal life. Cortisol and IGF-I concentrations were determined in blood serum samples taken immediately before colostrum consumption, while IgG concentration was determined in the samples taken 32 hours after the birth of the calves. The cortisol concentration in calves born with a greater body mass (61.51±32.78 nmol/l) was lower (p=0.052) than in calves born with a smaller body mass (94.89±17.74 nmol/l). A significant negative correlation (r= -0.592; p lt 0.05) was established between the body mass of calves at birth and the cortisol concentration. The IGF-I concentration determined immediately following birth in calves with a greater boy mass at birth (10.17±1.71 nmol/l) was statistically significantly higher (p lt 0.05) in comparison with calves born with a smaller body mass (7.04±1.15 nmol/l). There was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.519; p lt 0.10) between the body mass of calves at birth and the IGF-I concentration. Thirty-two hours following birth, the IgG concentration in blood serum of calves born with a bigger body mass (18.72±1.99 g/l) was significantly higher (p lt 0.05) than in calves born with a smaller body mass (11.68±4.79 g/l). A significant positive correlation was established between the body mass of calves at birth and the IgG concentration determined at 32 hours of neonatal life (r = 0.620; p lt 0.05). The obtained results point to the conclusion that calves of body mass over 35 kg at birth are better adapted to the conditions of the outer environment in comparison with calves born with a body mass of less than 35 kg. .en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je da se ispita da li koncentracije kortizola, insulinusličnog faktora rasta-I (IGF-I) i imunoglobulina klase G (IgG), odnosno parametara krvi za koje se smatra da su izuzetno značajni za postnatalni opstanak teladi, zavise od telesne mase teladi na rođenju. Ispitivanja su izvršena na 12 novorođenih teladi Holštajn-Frizijske rase, razdvojenih u dve grupe na osnovu telesne mase na rođenju. U prvu grupu (n=6) svrstana su telad čija je telesna masa bila veća od 35 kg na rođenju (41,67±3,08 kg), dok su u drugu grupu (n=6) svrstana telad čija je telesna masa na rođenju bila manja od 35 kg (32,00±3,58kg). Neposredno pre napajanja kolostrumom, kao i 32. sata neonatalnog života, uzeti su uzorci krvi. U uzorcima krvnog seruma uzetim neposredno pre napajanja kolostrumom određivana je koncentracija kortizola i IGF-I, dok je u uzorcima uzetim 32 sata nakon rođenja teladi određivana koncentracija IgG. Koncentracija kortizola kod teladi rođene sa većom telesnom masom (61,51±32,78 nmol/l) je bila niža (p= 0,052) nego kod teladi rođenih sa nižom telesnom masom (94,89± 17,74 nmol/l). Utvrđena je značajna negativna korelacija (r=-0,592; p lt 0,05) između telesne mase teladi na rođenju i koncentracije kortizola. Koncentracija IGF-I određena neposredno nakon rođenja kod teladi sa većom telesnom masom na rođenju (10,17±1,71 nmol/l) bila je statistički značajno veća (p lt 0,05) u odnosu na telad rođenu sa nižom telesnom masom (7,04±1,15 nmol/l). Postojala je značajna pozitivna korelacija (r=0,519; p lt 0,10), između telesne mase teladi na rođenju i koncentracije IGF-I. Trideset dva sata nakon rođenja koncentracija IgG u krvnom serumu teladi rođene sa višom telesnom masom (18,72± 1,99 g/l) je bila značajno viša (p lt 0,05) nego kod teladi rođene sa nižom telesnom masom (11,68±4,79 g/l). Utvrđena je značajna pozitivna korelacija između telesne mase teladi na rođenju i koncentracije IgG određene trideset i drugog sata neonatalnog života (r=0,620; p lt 0,05). Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da su telad telesne mase preko 35 kg na rođenju bolje adaptirana na uslove spoljašnje sredine u odnosu na telad koja su rođena sa telesnom masom manjom od 35 kilograma. .sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski glasnik
dc.subjectnewborn calvesen
dc.subjectbody massen
dc.subjectimmunoglobulins G classen
dc.subjectnovorođena teladsr
dc.subjecttelesna masasr
dc.subjectimunoglobulini G klasesr
dc.titleConcentration of cortisol, insulin-like growth factor-I and immunoglobulin G class in blood of neonatal calves of different body mass at birthen
dc.titleKoncentracija kortizola, insulinu sličnog faktora rasta-I i imunoglobulina G-klase u krvi neonatalne teladi različite telesne mase na rođenjusr
dc.citation.other63(5-6): 321-329



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