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Uticaj različitih nivoa organskog selena na klanicne osobine brojlera

dc.creatorJokić, Živan
dc.creatorPavlovski, Zlatica
dc.creatorMitrović, S.
dc.creatorDjermanović, Vladan
dc.description.abstractThe effect of different levels of organic selenium (selenized yeast) on slaughter meat traits of fattening chickens (broilers) was investigated. Trial was carried out on 120 Hybro-PN chickens divided into four groups, in duration of six weeks. All groups of chickens were fed complete mixtures, and selenium was added to the food in the form of selenized yeast in the amount of 0 (I ); 0,3 (II); 0,6 (III) or 0,9mg/kg (IV-group). The highest average values of carcass yield 'conventional processing', 'ready to roast' and 'ready to grill' were recorded in chickens of group III (2059,6, 1851,97 and 1756,45g), with addition of 0,6mg Se/kg, followed by chickens of group II (2048,17, 1841,36 and 1748,57g) and group IV (1957,46, 1764,22 and 1676,05g) with 0,3 and 0,9mg/kg of added selenium, respectively, whereas the lowest values (1835,21, 1660,87 and 1572,61g) were established in chickens of group I without addition of this micro element. Average values of slaughter yields 'conventional processing', 'ready to roast' and 'ready to grill' were approximately the same in chickens of all investigated groups, and established differences showed no statistical significance (P > 0,05). The lowest breast mass was in I group (573,55g), and the highest in group III (657g). Chickens of groups II and IV (with 0,3 and 0,9mg Se/kg of feed) realized breast mass of 627,90 and 633,12g. Compared to group I, average breast mass of chickens in groups III and IV was considerably higher (P lt 0,05 and P lt 0,01). Share of breast in the mass of processed carcass was the highest in groups III and IV (37,40 and 37,86%), and the lowest in group II (36,0%). In chickens of group I the stated value was 36,47%. Average share of thighs in the mass of processed carcass was approximately the same in all investigated groups. The highest value (14,4%) was established in chickens of group II, and the lowest (13,98%), in chickens of III investigation group. Chickens fed organic selenium in diet (0,3, 0,6 and 0,9mg/kg) had by 3,80, 3,74 and 3,18% higher share of drumsticks in the mass of processed carcass compared to group I.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivan je uticaj različitih nivoa organskog selena (selenizirani kvasac) na klanične osobine mesa tovnih pilića (brojlera). Ogled je izveden na 120 pilića provenijence Hybro-PN podeljenih u četiri grupe, u trajanju od šest nedelja. Sve grupe pilića hranjene su potpunim smešama, a selen je dodavan u hranu u formi seleniziranog kvasca u količini od 0 (I ); 0,3 (II); 0,6 (III) ili 0,9mg/kg (IV-grupa). Najveće prosečne vrednosti za prinos trupova 'standardna obrada', 'spremno za pečenje' i 'spremno za roštilj' imali su pilići III grupe (2059,6, 1851,97 i 1756,45g), sa dodatkom 0,6mg Se/kg. Zatim sledi II (2048,17, 1841,36 i 1748,57g) i IV grupa (1957,46, 1764,22 i 1676,05g) sa 0,3 i 0,9mg/kg dodatog selena, dok su najmanje vrednosti (1835,21, 1660,87 i 1572,61g) ustanovljene u I grupi bez dodatka ovog mikroelementa. Prosečne vrednosti za klanične randmane ('standardna obrada', 'spremno za pečenje' i 'spremno za roštilj' su bile približno iste kod pilića svih ispitivanih grupa, a utvrđene razlike nisu pokazale statističku značajnost (P > 0,05). Najmanja masa grudi bila je u I grupi (573,55g), a najveća u III (657g). Pilići II i IV grupe (sa 0,3 i 0,9mg Se/kg hrane) ostvarili su masu grudi od 627,90 i 633,12g. U odnosu na I grupu, prosečna masa grudi pilića III i IV grupe bila je značajno veća (P lt 0,05 i P lt 0,01). Udeo grudi u masi očišćenog trupa bio je najveći u III i IV grupi (37,40 i 37,86%), a najmanji u II (36,0%). Kod pilića I grupe navedena vrednost je iznosila je 36,47%. Prosečan udeo bataka u masi očišćenog trupa bio je približno isti kod svih ispitivanih grupa. Najveća vrednost (14,4%) ustanovljena je kod pilića II, a najmanja (13,98%), kod pilića III ispitivane grupe. Pilići koji su u hrani dobijali organski selen (0,3, 0,6 i 0,9mg/kg) imali su za 3,80, 3,74 i 3,18% veći udeo karabataka u masi očišćenog trupa u odnosu na piliće I grupe.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectselenized yeasten
dc.subjectslaughter propertiesen
dc.subjectpilići selenizirani kvasacsr
dc.subjectklanične osobinesr
dc.titleThe effect of different levels of organic selenium on broiler slaughter traitsen
dc.titleUticaj različitih nivoa organskog selena na klanicne osobine brojlerasr
dc.citation.other25(1-2): 23-33



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