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Aditivi u hrani - seme, biljna ulja i retke lekovite biljke kao izvori fitosterola i aroma

dc.creatorMilovanović, Mirjana
dc.creatorBanjac, Nebojša
dc.creatorVučelić-Radović, Biljana
dc.description.abstractTwo plant species of the genus Anthriscus (A. sylvestris and A. cerefolium) and Laserpitium latifolium L. are described as a good source of new aroma constituents and phytosterols. These plants are the herbs widely distributed in Serbia and possess significant medicinal value. They are widely applied in traditional medicine, but they are not used as functional food or in food technology. Two well-known domestic aromatic plant species: Mentha piperita L. and Thymus vulgaris L. and the lesser known Alliaria officinalis Andrz. are described as a good sources of highly prized essential oils in several wild-growing herbs. They are traditionally used in cooking. Quinoa seeds considered as multipurpose agro-industrial crop and the seeds may be utilized for human food and in flour products and in animal feed stocks because of its high nutritive value. Furthermore, watermelon meal possesses good nutritional quality, which may be commercially used as a new feed in the human or in the cattle nutrition. Seed oils, from Rubus ideaus, Ribes nigrum and walnut are also presented. The chemical composition on the sterols and essential fatty acids content, of these seed oils are shown that some of them can be successfully used in human nutrition, under specific conditions. Finally, developing new cholesterol-reducing products, such as phytosterols and their esters, which are marked as cholesterol-reducing food ingredient as well as the information on its incorporation into foods, are also included.en
dc.description.abstractOpisane su dve biljne vrste roda Anthriscus (A. sylvestris and A. cerefolium) i biljka Laserpitium latifolium L. kao novi izvori specifičnih aroma i fitosterola. Ove lekovite biljke poseduju medicinske vrednosti i veoma su rasprostranjene u flori Srbije. Koriste se u tradicionalnoj medicini, ali ne i kao aditivi u hrani. Dalje, dve dobro poznate biljke Mentha piperita L. (nana) i Thymus vulgaris L. (majčina dušica), kao i manje poznata Alliaria officinalis Andrz. su prikazane kao izvori visoko cenjenih esencijalnih ulja, u nekoliko domaćih divljih sorti. Ove biljke se koriste u kulinarstvu. Seme kvinoje, predstavlja mnogostruko vrednu agrokulturu, poseduje visoke nutritivne vrednosti, a koristi se kao brašno u humanoj ishrani i kao stočna hrana. Potom, seme lubenice, kao sačma, poseduje dobre nutritvne kvalitete, pa se preporučuje kao nova hrana u humanoj i stočnoj ishrani. Prikazan je sastav retkih biljnih ulja semena maline, crne borovnice i oraha, odredjen je sadržaj sterola i esencijalnih masnih kiselina, kao i uslovi za njihovu primenu u kulinarstvu. Prikazani su zdravstveni efekti prisustva fitosterola u hrani, jer smanjuju nivo slabo rastvornog holesterola, pa se smanjenje rizik od kardiovaskularnih obolenja. Na kraju, dat je i nutritivni značaj i potrebe za dnevnim unosima namirnica bogatih u sadržaju biljnih sterola.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.subjectseed oilsen
dc.subjecthealth benefitsen
dc.titleFunctional food: Rare herbs, seeds and vegetable oils as sources of flavors and phytosterolsen
dc.titleAditivi u hrani - seme, biljna ulja i retke lekovite biljke kao izvori fitosterola i aromasr
dc.citation.other54(1): 81-94



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