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Tipovi podzemnih voda jugoistočnog Srema

dc.creatorGregorić, Eniko
dc.creatorDjurović, Nevenka
dc.creatorRudić, Dragan
dc.creatorPočuča, Vesna
dc.description.abstractThe region of Southeast Srem is rich in ground waters, which is of great significance to agricultural production. The objective of this paper was to designate the zones of different groundwater types from the aspect of recharge, based on the analysis of groundwater regimes in the study area. A very complex groundwater regime in Southeast Srem, which depends on a great number of natural and some anthropogenic factors, makes it difficult to designate clearly the zones of the three main types of groundwater regime. Still, the boundaries of the zones of groundwater regime types were defined based on the results of correlation analysis of the basic factors affecting the groundwater regime. Zone I includes the climatic type of groundwater. Its fluctuation corresponds to the vertical factors of water balance (precipitation and evaporation) and it is not affected by the river water level. This zone extends North and East of the line Putinci, Golubinci, Stara Pazova, Batajnica, Dobanovci, mainly in the area of the loess plateau. Within the zone, groundwater is at a relatively great depth. Only exceptionally, in the valleys, it appears almost on the surface. Zone II includes the climatic-hydrological groundwater type, which is the transition between the climatic type and the hydrological type. The fluctuation of groundwater regime is affected both by the effect of vertical balance factors, and by the effect of watercourses. Climatic-hydrological groundwater type covers the central and the lowest part of the study area and the South part of the middle terrace. Zone III is classified as the hydrological groundwater type and it covers the riparian areas along the Sava and the Danube. The aquifer is hydraulically connected with the river Sava.en
dc.description.abstractPodručje jugoistočnog Srema obiluje podzemnim vodama koje imaju veliki značaj za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se analizom režima podzemnih voda posmatranog područja izdvoje rejoni sa različitim tipovima podzemnih voda sa stanovišta njihovog prihranjivanja. Veoma složen režim podzemnih voda na području jugoistočnog Srema, koji zavisi od velikog broja prirodnih i nekih antropogenih faktora, otežava jasnu rejonizaciju područja jugoistočnog Srema u odnosu na tri osnovna tipa režima podzemnih voda. Ipak, na osnovu rezultata korelacione analize osnovnih faktora koji utiču na režim podzemnih voda, definisane su granice rejona pojedinih tipova režima podzemnih voda. Rejon I obuhvata klimatski tip podzeme vode, čije oscilacije odgovaraju vertikalnim faktorima vodnog bilansa (padavinama i isparavanju) i nisu pod uticajem vodostaja reka. Područje se povlači severno i istočno od linije Putinci, Golubinci, Stara Pazova, Batajnica i Dobanovci, uglavnom na području lesnog platoa. Unutar ovog rejona podzemne vode su na relativno velikoj dubini, a samo su izuzetno u dolinama skoro na površini terena. Rejon II zahvata klimatsko hidrološki tip podzemne vode, koji je prelaz između klimatskog i hidrološkog tipa, kod koga se uočavaju i uticaj faktora vertikalnog bilansa, kao i uticaj vodenih tokova na režim oscilacija podzemne vode. Klimatsko hidrološki tip podzemne vode zahvata centralni najniži deo analiziranog područja i južni deo srednje terase. Rejon III su priobalne površine uz Savu i Dunav na kojima je zastupljen hidrološki tip podzemnih voda, na kojima je izdan u hidrauličkoj vezi sa rekom Savom.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.subjectSoutheast Sremen
dc.subjectclimatic typeen
dc.subjectclimatichydrological typeen
dc.subjecthydrological typeen
dc.titleGroundwater types in Southeast Sremen
dc.titleTipovi podzemnih voda jugoistočnog Sremasr
dc.citation.other54(1): 19-29



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