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Prisustvo plesni i mikotoksina u hrani za ishranu svinja - značaj u proceni rizika

dc.creatorMilićević, Dragan
dc.creatorNikšić, Miomir
dc.creatorBaltić, Tatjana
dc.creatorStefanović, Srdjan
dc.creatorJanković, Saša
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper was to provide detailed insight into the level of contamination of complete feeding mixtures intended for fattening pigs with mycotoxins-producing fungi and mycotoxins (n = 18). Isolation and enumeration of fungal propagules were done on solid media using the standard microbiological procedure. These plates were incubated, the number of colonies was determined and moulds genera and species identification was carried out using colonies morphological determination and microscopic analysis. Isolates identified as Aspergillus and Penicillium species were subjected to molecular characterization for the presence of genes responsible for the synthesis of OTA (polyketide syntheses gene-PKS). Total fungal counts (CFU/g) ranged from 0,5x105 to 4x106. From a total samples analyzed, seven samples had fungal counts higher than the limit established by Serbian regulations (3x105). During a mycological analysis of complete feeding mixtures intended for fattening pigs, a total of six genera and 14 species of moulds were identified and the most frequent one was genus Penicillium (94,4%). The moulds from genus Fusarium were isolated in 55,5% and Paecilomyces in 44,4% of the samples from investigated localities. Other fungi from the genera Aspergillus (22%), Mycor (11,1%) and Alternaria (5,5%) were represented in a lesser amount. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed on 18 isolates of the DNA belonging to families Penicillium and Aspergillus. The sequences of PCR reaction products in three samples were compared with nucleotide sequences of genes for polyketide synthase gene (PKS) from Penicillium dance and found that the samples possessed PKS sequence. The traditional methods for identification of ochratoxin-producing fungi are time-consuming and labor-intensive. Rapid and specific detection of ochratoxin-producing fungi is important for ensuring microbiological quality and safety of feed and food. .en
dc.description.abstractRadi procene rizika od mikotoksina obavljena su mikološka i mikotoksikološka ispitivanja uzoraka potpunih smeša za ishranu svinja koje potiču iz različitih regiona Srbije (n = 18). Ukupan broj plesni i njihova izolacija u uzorcima potpunih smeša za ishranu svinja, određivan je standardnom mikrobiološkom metodom. Nakon inkubiranja, na osnovu izgleda kolonija i mikroskopske analize obavljena je identifikacija rodova i vrsta plesni. Izolati koji su identifi kovani kao Aspergillus i Penicillium vrste podvrgnuti su molekularnoj karakterizaciji na prisustvo gena odgovornog za sintezu OTA (poliketid sinte taza). Ukupan broj plesni u ispitanim uzorcima bio je od 0,5 × 105 do 4 ×106 (CFU/g). U pogledu ukupnog broja plesni (CFU/g) sedam (38,3 posto) uzoraka bilo je kontaminirano plesnima iznad maksimalno dozvoljene količine (3 × 105). Analizom mikopopulacije uzoraka potpunih smeša za ishranu svinja izolovano je šest rodova i 14 vrsta plesni. Najčešće su izolovane plesni iz roda Penicillium (94,4 posto), zatim Fusarium (55,5 posto) i Paecilomyces (44,4 posto), dok su plesni iz roda Aspergillus (22 posto), Mucor (11,1 posto) i Alternaria (5,5 posto) izolovane u manjem procentu. Lančana reakcija polimeraze (PCR) postavljena je za 18 izolata DNK koje pripadaju rodovima Penicillium i Aspergillus. Sekvence proizvoda PCR reakcije kod tri uzorka poređene su sa nukleotidnim sekvencama gena za poliketid sintetazu (PKS) iz plesni Penicillium i ustanovljeno je da uzorci poseduju PKS sekvencu. Razvoj brzih metoda za determinaciju ohratoksogenih plesni ima za cilj unapređenje sistema kontrole bezbednosti i kvaliteta hrane. U svakoj fazi proizvodnje i prometa hrane može da se spreči, smanji ili eliminiše rizik po krajnjeg
dc.publisherInstitut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd
dc.sourceTehnologija mesa
dc.subjectfeeding stuffsen
dc.subjectrisk assessmenten
dc.subjectprocena rizikasr
dc.titlePresence of moulds and mycotoxins in pigs' feed: Significance in risk assessmenten
dc.titlePrisustvo plesni i mikotoksina u hrani za ishranu svinja - značaj u proceni rizikasr
dc.citation.other50(5-6): 261-270



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