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Azotomineralnotrofni mikroorganizmi u zemljištu vinograda

dc.creatorBogdanović, Vladan
dc.creatorZiberoski, J.
dc.creatorNakalamić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorMarković, Nebojša
dc.creatorLalević, Blažo
dc.creatorKljujev, Igor
dc.description.abstractNitrogen is an element necessary for micro-organisms, plants and animals because it is a component part of or takes part in the biosynthesis of organic substances (albumins - proteins and proteids, carbohydrates - glicidi and fat substances - lipids) and macromolecules biocatalysts (ferments vitamins, fito and cytohormones). In the course of a year a vine (Vitis vinifera L) produces about 20 tons of organic substances per a hectare (root, shoot, leaves and grapes) which is, calculated as dry substance, about 8.000 kg/ha. In order to synthesize that quantity of organic substances about 4000 kg of carbon is reduced from atmospheric CO2 from the atmosphere for the production of which is used about 100 kg/ha of soil nitrogen in its mineral form. If the biomass produced by annual biochemical activity of micro-organisms is added as well, the nitrogen amounts are considerably larger. To provide nitrogen in the form of plant assimilative is, therefore of a great importance for a successful wine growing production. Plants use nitrogen through the root system but only in it's mineral form dissolved in water forming NH4 and NO3. These nitrogen forms reach the soil mainly in three ways, these being: biochemical activity of soil micro-organisms amonification, nitrification (nitrite and nitrate) and the addition in the form of nitrogen mineral fertilizers. There is the fourth way as well - soil microflore in nitrogen fixation process, with the micro-organisms able to create ferment nitrogenase. Since there is no nitrogen in minerals and rocks i.e. in the mineral part of the soil, the supply of plant nitrogen assimilative for the plants nutrition is very important, because the total contents of pedosphere contains 99% of its organic form the one not usable for the plants nutrition. Unlike plants, the soil micro-organisms can use nitrogen from the organic forms as well, these being fresh organic residues and humus. These micro-organisms are called azotoheterotrofni. However together with plants, the mineral nitrogen form in the soil i.e. adsorption complex (1%), is used by the soil micro­organisms (azolomineralnotrofni) too. The organisms using NH4OH are called ammonium. NO2 nitrite and NO3 nitrate. It is important to point out that the available quantities of the mineral nitrogen forms are used as food both to plants and these groups of micro-organisms. When these assimilative lack, there is a competitive relation between the plants and micro-organisms in the soil considering the great presence of the micro-organisms in kg of soil, they have the advantage thus leaving the plants in shortage of these assimilative.en
dc.description.abstractAzot je neophodan makroelemenat za sva živa bića na Zemlji: mikroorganizme biljke i životinje, jer ulazi u sastav veoma značajne grupe organskih materija tj. Belančevina-proteina i složenih belančevina proteida. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitivanje uticaja đubriva 'Rosasoil' na zastupljenost azotomineralnotrofnih mikroorganizama koji koriste mineralni oblik azota, u zemljištu dvogodišnjeg vinograda. 'Rosasoil' je atestirano đubrivo uveženo iz Nemačke a korišćen je u četiri varijante, i to: 500, 1.000, 2.000 i 3.000 kg/ha. Kontrola je bila parcela koja nije đubrena ni ovim niti bilo kojim organskim ili mineralnim đubrivom. Uzorci su uzimani sa tri dubine mikrobiološkog profila, i to: 0-30, 30-60 i 60-90 cm. Zastupljenost pomenutih mikroorganizama određivana je na skrobno-amonijačnom agaru. Istraživanja su pokazala da azotomineralnotrofne mikroorganizme čine 90% bakterije, 7% aktinomicete i 3% gljive od ukupne asocijacije tj. zajednice ovih mikroorganizama, što je veoma pozitivno za obezbeđivanje mineralnih oblika azota. Takođe je utvrđeno da je za 45% manji opšti prosek zastupljenosti azotomineralnotrofnih mikroorganizama kod varijanti sa đubrenjem u odnosu na kontrolu. Najveća zastupljenost ovih mikroorganizama zabeležena je u uzorcima od 0-30, zatim 30-60, a na kraju od 60-90 cm. U prolećnim i jesenjim uzorcima najveća zastupljenost azotomineralnotrofnih mikroorganizama bila je kod kontrole, a u letnjim je ova zastupljenost za 59% veća kod varijanti sa đubrenjem u odnosu na kontrolu.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak
dc.sourceActa agriculturae Serbica
dc.titleAzotomineralnotrofni micro-organisms in the vineyard soilen
dc.titleAzotomineralnotrofni mikroorganizmi u zemljištu vinogradasr
dc.citation.other5(10): 17-23



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