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Regulisani deficit navodnjavanja (RDI) i delimično sušenje korena (PRD) - efekat na rastenje i funkcionalnu anatomiju paradajza

dc.creatorRančić, Dragana
dc.creatorSavić, Sladjana
dc.creatorStikić, Radmila
dc.creatorPekić-Quarrie, Sofija
dc.creatorJovanović, Zorica
dc.creatorRadošević, Radenko
dc.description.abstractThe experiment was carried out to study the theoretical BACKGROUND: of the effects of new deficit irrigation methods (regulated deficit irrigation -RDI and partial rootzone drying - PRD) on tomato plant and fruit growth. The RDI treatment was 50% of water given to fully irrigated (FI) plants and the PRD treatment was 50% of water of FI plants applied to one half of the root system while the other half dried down, with irrigation shifted when soil water content of the dry side decreased to ca. 20%. Plant and fruit growth parameters were measured as well as functional anatomy parameters (xy-lem and phloem areas in fruit pedicels). RDI significantly reduced plant and fruit growth, though PRD reduced shoot growth while having no significant effect on fruit growth. Anatomy data showed that PRD treatment increased phloem area and reduced xylem area in earlier stages of fruit development, although RDI reduced xylem area at the abscission zone in all phases of fruit development. This could lead to hydraulic and chemical isolation of fruits. Greater hydraulic isolation of PRD fruits from the rest of plant could be theoretical explanation why PRD treatment did not significantly influenced tomato fruit growth and yield.en
dc.description.abstractEksperiment je postavljen sa ciljem da ispita teorijsku osnovu efekata novih metoda deficita navodnjavanja (regulisanog deficita navodnjavanja - RDI i delimičnog sušenja korenova - PRD) na rastenje biljaka i plodova paradajza. Biljke izložene RDI tretmanu zalivane su sa 50% vode u poređenju sa optimalno navodnjavanim biljkama (FI). Kod biljaka izloženih PRD tretmanu polovina korenovog sistema zalivana je sa 50% vode, druga polovina korena nije zalivana, pri čemu je vršena inverzija strana kada se vlažnost supstrata u nezalivanoj strani spustila na oko 20%. Mereni su parametri rastenja biljaka i plodova kao i funkcionalna anatomija peteljke ploda (površine ksilema i floema). RDI tretman je značajno redukovao rastenje biljaka i plodova, dok je PRD tretman redukovao rastenje izdanka, ali nije imao značajan efekat na rastenje ploda. Anatomski rezultati pokazuju da je PRD tretman uticao na povećanje površine floema i redukciju površine ksilema u ranim fazama razvića ploda, dok je RDI tretman redukovao površinu ksilema u zoni abscisije u svim fazama razvića ploda. To bi mogao biti uzrok hidraulične i hemijske izolovanosti plodova. Veća hidraulična izolovanost PRD plodova od ostatka biljke može biti teorijsko objašnjenje zbog čega ovaj tretman nije značajno uticao na rastenje plodova paradajza a time i ostvareni
dc.publisherUnija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd
dc.sourceZemljište i biljka
dc.subjectpartial root dryingen
dc.subjectregulated deficit irrigationen
dc.subjectpedicel anatomyen
dc.titleRegulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial root drying (PRD): The effects on tomato growth and functional fruit anatomyen
dc.titleRegulisani deficit navodnjavanja (RDI) i delimično sušenje korena (PRD) - efekat na rastenje i funkcionalnu anatomiju paradajzasr
dc.citation.other57(2): 79-88

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