Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Simentalska rasa i njen značaj u proizvodnji mleka

dc.creatorSkalicki, Zlatko
dc.creatorPerišić, Predrag
dc.creatorLatinović, Dušan
dc.creatorTrifunović, Gligorije
dc.creatorDjedović, Radica
dc.description.abstractA present state in a cattle production in our country has been analyzed in this paper, with a special emphasis being given to the state in Simmental breed, which makes, according to some estimates, about 80-85% of total cattle stock in Serbia. Cattle breeding in Serbia is characterized by an unfavorable situation, especially expressed in a negative trend in a number of cattle. This fact is extremely adverse in this period, when we need to gain the grounds for milk production quotas what seems to be the greatest problem of the EU countries as well. A production of beef meat over a last few years has been stagnating at a very low level, so that even the smallest export quotas have not been realized. As a small producer of beef meat, the most wanted product of cattle breeding, our country cannot consider itself as a serious bidder in any of the markets. Out of these reasons as a priority in agro politics of our country there is an imposed need for constant application and acknowledgment of new stimulative measures in cattle breeding with the aim of creating as greater a number of goods producers of milk and meat, especially beef meat for export, as possible. Possibilities for development of cattle breeding in Serbia do exist and are reflexed in available agricultural land, working force, farm buildings and processing capacities, as well as the experts and research workers. It is necessary to increase livestock, enlarge production, decrease a number of petty producers and engage thoroughly in organizing and directing of production for both domestic and export needs.en
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani proizvodni rezultati populacije goveda simentalske rase u zemljama Evrope i kod nas. Ukazano je i na višedecenijski negativan trend prisutan u govedarstvu Srbije, koji se ogleda posebno preko izraženog negativnog trenda broja goveda. Ta činjenica posebno je nepovoljna u ovom periodu, kada se stiču osnove za buduće proizvodne kvote za mleko, koje su i najveći problem zemalja EU. Proizvodnja goveđeg mesa poslednjih nekoliko godina stagnira na vrlo niskom nivou. Kao mali proizvođač junećeg mesa, naša zemlja se ni na jednom tržištu ne može pojaviti kao ozbiljan ponuđač, jer ne zadovoljava istovremeno tri vrlo bitna faktora važna za proizvodnju i izvoz proizvoda, a to su kvalitet, kvantitet i kontinuitet proizvodnje. Iz tih razloga nameće se kao prioritet u agrarnoj politici naše zemlje, stalna primena i odobravanje novih podsticajnih mera u govedarstvu u cilju stvaranja što većeg broja robnih proizvođača mleka i mesa, posebno junećeg mesa namenjenog izvozu. Razvojne mogućnosti govedarstva Srbije postoje, i ogledaju se kroz raspoložive poljoprivredne površine, radnu snagu, farmske objekte i prerađivačke kapacitete, stručne i naučne
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad i Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceSavremena poljoprivreda
dc.subjectcattle breedingen
dc.subjectSimmental breeden
dc.subjectmilk productionen
dc.subjectsimentalska rasasr
dc.subjectproizvodnja mlekasr
dc.titleSimmental breed and its importance in milk productionen
dc.titleSimentalska rasa i njen značaj u proizvodnji mlekasr
dc.citation.other56(5): 18-25



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