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Varijabilnost i heritabilnost morfoloških i hemijskih osobina ploda džanarike (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh)

dc.creatorNikolić, Dragan
dc.creatorRakonjac, Vera
dc.creatorMilutinović, Momčilo
dc.creatorFotirić, Milica
dc.description.abstractFrom different autochthonous populations that are present on the territory of Serbia, 17 cherry plum types were selected, characterised by distinctive morphological properties and fruit quality. During the two years' period of research, the following parameters were examined: fruit weight, stone weight soluble solid content, total sugar content, and total acid content. For all of the examined properties, coefficients of genetic and phenotypic variation as well as the coefficient of heritability in a broader sense were calculated, based on a two-factorial analysis of variance results. It was determined that genetic variability had a major influence on the total variability of fruit weight, stone weight and total acids content, while at the same time the interaction genotype x year played the decisive role in determining the variability of soluble solids content and total sugars content. Coefficients of genetic and phenotypic variation show that, in the cherry plum trees that were examined, the least variation was in the soluble solids contents (CVg = 2.83%; CVf = 4.66%), and that the highest variation was in the fruit weight (CVg = 29.72%; CVf = 31.34%). The lowest level of heritability in a broader sense was established in the total sugars content (h² = 21.72%) and the highest in the stone weight (h² = 93.19%).en
dc.description.abstractIz različitih autohtonih populacija sa područja Srbije, na bazi morfoloških osobina i kvaliteta ploda, izdvojeno je 17 tipova džanarike. U toku dvogodišnjeg perioda istraživanja ispitivani su masa ploda, masa koštice sardržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija, sadržaj ukupnih šećera i sadržaj ukupnih kiselina. Na osnovu rezultata dvofaktorijalne analize varijanse za sve ispitivane osobine izračunate su komponente varijabilnosti, koeficijenti genetičke i fenotipske varijacije i koeficijent heritabilnosti u širem smislu. Utvrđeno je da je u ukupnoj varijabilnosti mase ploda, mase koštice i sadržaja ukupnih kiselina najviše učestvovala genetička varijabilnost, dok je varijabilnost sadržaja rastvorljivih suvih materija i sadržaja ukupnih šećera u najvećem procentu bila uslovljena interakcijom genotip x godina. Koeficijenti genetičke i fenotipske varijacije pokazuju da je kod proučavanih tipova džanarike najmanje varirao sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija (CVg = 2,83%; CVf = 4,66%), a najviše masa ploda (CVg = 29,72%; CVf = 31,34%). Najmanji koeficijent heritabilnosti u širem smislu utvrđen je za sadržaj ukupnih šećera (h2 = 21,72%), a najveći za masu koštice (h2 = 93,19%).sr
dc.publisherNaučno voćarsko društvo Srbije, Čačak
dc.subjectcherry plumen
dc.subjectcomponents of variabilityen
dc.subjectcoefficients of genetic and phenotypic variationen
dc.subjectcoefficient of heritabilityen
dc.subjectkomponente varijabilnostisr
dc.subjectkoeficijenti genetičke i fenotipske varijacijesr
dc.subjectkoeficijent heritabilnostisr
dc.titleVariabilityand heritability of morphologicaland chemical fruit properties in cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh)en
dc.titleVarijabilnost i heritabilnost morfoloških i hemijskih osobina ploda džanarike (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh)sr
dc.citation.other41(157-158): 45-49



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