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Analiza tovnih i klaničnih osobina teškog hibrida ćuraka B.U.T. Big-6

dc.creatorDjermanović, Vladan
dc.creatorStanišić, Goran
dc.creatorVuković, Milica
dc.creatorNikolić, Katarina
dc.description.abstractA total of 5.010 one-day baby turkeys of both sexes of heavy hybrid B.U.T. Big-6 served as an initial material for these researches. On the basis of the production results that were attained after 16 weeks of fattening and the slaughterhouse results, the following can be stated: the mortality for the whole period of fattening was 6.57%; the average body weight of the fattened head of both sexes was 11.27 kg (daily growth 91.95 g); the conversion of food was 2.90 kg; the average daily consumption of food per bred head was 267.00 g; the value of production index depending on growth, ranged from around 200 to 300; slaughterhouse dressing percentage of the standard treated trunks of both sexes was 87.85% (male head- 86.68% and female - 89.10%); slaughterhouse dressing percentage ready to roast was 83.32% for male head, 84.76% for female head and 83.93% for both sexes, slaughterhouse dressing percentage ready to grill was 77.89% regarding male head and 79.33% regarding females, that is 78.51% regarding both sexes. .en
dc.description.abstractPočetni materijal za ova istraživanja poslužilo je ukupno 5010 jednodnevnih ćurića oba pola teškog hibrida B.U.T. Big-6. Na osnovu dobijenih proizvodnih i klaničnih rezultata, posle 16 nedelja tova, može se konstatovati sledeće: Mortalitet za ceo period tova iznosio je 6,57%. Prosečna telesna masa utovljenih grla oba pola iznosila je 11,72 kg, dnevni prirast 91,95 g, a konverzija hrane 2,90 kg. Prosečan dnevni utrošak hrane po useljenom grlu bio je 267g. Klanični randman standardno obrađenih trupova oba pola iznosio je 87,85% (muška grla 86,68%, a ženska 88,10%). Klanični randman, "spremno za pečenje", iznosio je 83,32% za muška grla, 84,76% za ženska grla, a 83,93% u proseku za oba pola. Klanični randman, "spremno za roštilj", kod muških grla bio je 77,89%, kod ženskih 79,33%, odnosno 78,51% za oba pola. .sr
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectfattening characteristicsen
dc.subjectslaughterhouse dressing percentageen
dc.subjectturkey hybriden
dc.subjecthibrid ćurakasr
dc.subjecttovne osobinesr
dc.subjectklanični randmansr
dc.titleThe analysis of the fattening and slaughterhouse characteristics of the heavy hybrid of turkeys B.U.T. Big-6en
dc.titleAnaliza tovnih i klaničnih osobina teškog hibrida ćuraka B.U.T. Big-6sr
dc.citation.other13(3-4): 115-124



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