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Uticaj prirodnih i antropogenih faktora na režim podzemnih voda na području Donjeg Polja u jugoistočnom Sremu

dc.creatorGregorić, Eniko
dc.creatorPetković, Sava
dc.description.abstractThe survey of the groundwater regime in southeastern Srem has started at the beginning of fifties of XX century and has been regularly carried out till now. The early surveys’ objective was to solve the problem of excessive soil moisture due to high level of groundwater. This problem significantly reduced the crop yields in the area. The very first results have indicated that groundwater regime in southeastern Srem is very complex due to the influence of several natural factors (meteorological, climatic and hydrological). All these factors had to be measured and observed in order to determine the characteristics of the groundwater regime. However, the groundwater regime is also influenced by two significant anthropogenic factors: the backwater effects, created after the construction of ‘Iron Gate’ hydroelectric power scheme and the operation of several wells for Belgrade water supply at left bank of the Sava River. After the construction of ‘Iron Gate’ hydroelectric power scheme, the natural groundwater regime in southeastern Srem and at the area of Donje polje has been completely changed. The groundwater regime was additionally complicated after the construction of water supply wells at left bank of the Sava River. The results of the analysis of the influence of several natural and anthropogenic factors on groundwater regime in Donje Polje are presented in this paper..en
dc.description.abstractIstraživanja režima podzemnih voda u jugoistočnom Sremu, započeta su pedesetih godina dvadesetog veka i obavljaju se do danas. U početku su ta istraživanja bila uglavnom vezana za prevlaživanje poljoprivrednih zemljišta, koje je prouzrokovalo značajna smanjenja poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Već tada je konstatovano da je režim podzemnih voda u jugoistočnom Sremu veoma složen i da se nalazi pod uticajem nekoliko prirodnih faktora, tako da je za njegovo rešavanje neophodno meriti i opažati veći broj meteoroloških, klimatskih i hidroloških parametara. Međutim, pored prirodnih činilaca, na režim podzemnih voda u jugoistočnom Sremu utiču i dva vrlo značajna antropogena faktora uspor od brane "Đerdap I" i rad reni bunara beogradskog vodovoda. Izgradnjom hidroelektrane "Đerdap I", usled stvorenog uspora, potpuno je promenjen prirodan režim podzemnih voda na posmatranom području. Režim podzemnih voda je još više promenjen izgradnjom velikog broja reni bunara duž leve obale reke Save. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati analize uticaja navedenih prirodnih i antropogenih faktora na režim podzemnih voda na području Donjeg polja u jugoistočnom
dc.publisherUdruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceVoda i sanitarna tehnika
dc.subjectgroundwater regimeen
dc.subjectDonje Poljeen
dc.subjectSava riveren
dc.subjectpodzemne vodesr
dc.subjectDonje Poljesr
dc.subjectreka Savasr
dc.titleThe influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on groundwater regime in the area of Donje Polje in Southeastern Sremen
dc.titleUticaj prirodnih i antropogenih faktora na režim podzemnih voda na području Donjeg Polja u jugoistočnom Sremusr
dc.citation.other37(6): 39-50

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