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Neki aspekti uređenja vodnog režima zemljišta Donjeg polja u Surčinu

dc.creatorDomazet, Uroš
dc.creatorRudić, Dragan
dc.creatorDjurović, Nevenka
dc.description.abstractDrainage system Galovica is situated in southeast Srem. It occupies the area of about 100,000 ha, it has a dense channel network of 30-40 m/ha, 2,575 constructed facilities and 11 pump stations. The main channel - Galovica is 40 km long and it is one of the basic receiving channels of the surplus internal waters from the area of southeast Srem. In addition to its basic purpose, this channel has recently also become the receiving channel of the municipal waste water, agro-industrial and processing waste water, discharged without purification and causing significant pollution of the water in the channel. The aim of this paper is to study the water in the Galovica channel and the possibility of its purification in the aim of its multipurpose utilization, especially from the aspect of soil water regime management in the conditions of water deficit in the soil. The study area is the locality Donje Polje - PIK " 7. juli". The study of water quality for irrigation shows that water quality is in harmony with the prescribed standards, pursuant to the Regulation on the admissible concentrations of hazardous and harmful substances in the soil and water for irrigation and the methods of their analysis. The water of the Galovica channel was subjected to the purification by the equipment of the Army of Serbia and the testing of chemical and microbiological characteristics of purified water shows that this equipment can purify the water of the third and fourth classes and make it sanitary safe, so that it can be used as drinking water, especially in emergency situations.en
dc.description.abstractSistem za odvodnjavanje Galovica nalazi se u jugoistočnom Sremu. Zauzima površinu od oko 100000 ha, sa velikom gustinom kanalske mreže od 30-40 m/ha, 2575 izgrađenih objekata i 11 crpnih stanica. Glavni kanal Galovica prostire se dužinom od 40 km i predstavlja jedan od osnovnih recipijenata suvišnih unutrašnjih voda područja jugoistočnog Srema. Pored osnovne namene, u novije vreme, ovaj kanal je i recipijent komunalnih otpadnih voda, otpadnih voda agroindustrije i prerađivačkog kompleksa, koje se ispuštaju bez prečišćavanja i dovode do značajnih zagađenja vode u kanalu. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita voda iz kanala Galovica i mogućnost njenog prečišćavanja u cilju njenog višenamenskog korišćenja, posebno sa aspekta uređenja vodnog režima zemljišta u uslovima deficita vode u zemljištu. Za ispitivalja je odabran lokalitet Donje polje - PIK "7. juli". Ispitivanja kvaliteta vode za potrebe navodnjavanja pokazala su da kvalitet vode odgovara propisanim normama, prema Pravilniku o dozvoljenim količinama opasnih i štetnih materija u zemljištu i vodi za navodnjavanje i metodama njihovog ispitivanja. Voda iz kanala Galovica podvrgnuta je procesu prečišćavanja uređajima kojima raspolaže Vojska R Srbije i posle ispitivanja hemijskih i mikrobioloških osobina prečišćene vode utvrđeno je da oni mogu da prečiste vodu treće i četvrte klase, dovedu u higijenski ispravno stanje te se ona može koristiti i kao voda za piće, posebno u vanrednim prilikama.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
dc.titleSome aspects of water regime management of the Donje polje soil at Surčinen
dc.titleNeki aspekti uređenja vodnog režima zemljišta Donjeg polja u Surčinusr
dc.citation.other52(1): 43-51



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